Chapter 17: Back to the Start.

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It's official Gerard is a werewolf, or so I thought.

From the bite on Gerard's arm falls the gooey black substance that normally comes as the body rejects the bite. We all look in question making Gerard notices that we are all looking at him in curiosity and not in the fear he thought we would be. Bringing my attention over to Scott I see that he doesn't look that surprised at the fact that Gerard's body is rejecting the bite.

"What? What is this? What did you do?"

"Everyone said Gerard always had a plan. I had a plan too."

Gerard looks at Scott as he fishes for something in his pocket. Pulling out a little silver compartment that I recognize to be his pills. He quickly opens it pouring out what's inside in his hands before freaking out as he crushes them in his hand.

"Mountain Ash!"

He cries out as the black substance now starts pouring from his eyes, nose, and ears as well before he falls to the floor. Looking over at Allison it looks as if he is about to have a seizure, but instead looks towards the ceiling as he coughs up, more like, throws up the same black substance that's falling from everywhere. I can't help but look away as this is happening for not only is it gross, but also quite scary at the fact that it could have been any one of us in this room.

If our body rejected the bite that could have been us bleeding out black liquid as we fall slowly to our deaths, just like I assumed Gerard just did as I watch him lie limply on the floor. Its silent for a good couple seconds before Derek asks Scott why he didn't tell Derek about the plan. I actually want to wonder why he didn't tell any of us about this plan he had making us all think that Gerard was going to become an alpha.

"Because you might be an alpha, but you're not mine."

"Okay then what about me Scott? Huh? Why didn't you tell me before any of this werewolf stuff I was your best friend besides Stiles. We told each other everything, so why stop now? If you would have let me know I wouldn't have stayed in your way I would have helped you!"

I yell at him and just as Scott was about to reply to my cry we hear the crawling of Gerard on the floor as he tries and gain some energy back. Why won't he just die? He is already like eighty years old and honestly nobody wants him here, so it would help us all out if he just drop dead.

As soon as he gained enough strength to slightly life himself up he turns towards Jackson with this evil look in his eyes. Knowing that means we are all in for a rude awakening I start to use what little strength I had to push myself off the ground ready to fight if that's the case.


He yells before finally passing out from lack of energy making Jackson look over to see if he is dead. This gives Allison the chance to break free of his grasp as she elbows him in the face she takes a step as to run away before he pulls her back. Deciding that its now or never I was about to go and attack until I hear the sound of Stiles jeep, but I don't see it. Stopping in my place I look towards where the noise is coming from just in time for me to see the jeep ram into the side of the warehouse. Immediately there is wood flying everywhere and I cover my face right before I feel a pair of arms pull me into them blocking me from the flying pieces.

As soon as the jeep comes to a stop I look up to see Isaac shielding me with his body. Once he feels like its safe enough he pulls away from me checking to see if I'm okay. Nodding my head and thanking him he helps me to stand as we watch Stiles ask Scott if he actually hit Jackson or if all that was for nothing. I smile not at his lack of excellent planning, but at the fact that he is actually here. He actually came to help save Jackson.

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