Last fight

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Ochobot slapped me hard on my cheek.
I awake from a nightmare dream.

Ochobot: are you okay Boboiboy?

I look around and I recognise that I'm in my room.

Boboiboy: what happen to me Ochobot?

Ochobot: you collapsed in a fight with Fang and he bought you here.

Boboiboy: what time is now?

Ochobot: umm.. 7 am....

Boboiboy: I'll late for school!

I off my bed but my head is too hurt. It's like burning!

Ochobot: for today, you didn't have to go to school. You just rest at home. Okay?

I smile to Ochobot and lay down myself on a bed. My head still hurt but it's not as hurt as the earlier.

Ochobot: you wait here, I will get you some water.

Boboiboy: okay...

Ochobot POV
I go to downstairs and ahead to kitchen. I've been thinking about Boboiboy. Something was wrong... I've scanned him and there's something deep in his heart... I can see the darkness but I wasn't sure what is it.


It was Boboiboy! I go upstairs as fast I could. Open the Boboiboy's room door. But... All I can see is Boboiboy missing and the window is wide open. Where did he go? I call Fang for help. I know Fang is at school now but I really need his help on this!!!

Ochobot: Fang! Boboiboy missing!

Fang: what?! Seriously?!

Ochobot: yes! I was in the kitchen, then I heard Boboiboy scream so hard but when I got in his room, he already dissapear!

Fang: okay. You wait there. I will come straight to your house. Don't worry okay?

Ochobot: okay.

Fang hung up. Of course I worry about Boboiboy!

Fang POV
Boboiboy missing??? How can it be? I have to think a reason to get out of here now!
I raise up my hand.

Teacher Papa: yes. What is it, Fang?

Everyone in the class look at me, especially Yaya, Ying and Gopal. They look at me with a weird face.

Fang: umm... I have a stomach ache, can I go home now?

Teacher Papa: well.... Of course........... No!!! We just start our class!!!

Why Teacher Papa give me a fake hope?!!! Argh!!! How can I go to Boboiboy's house?!!!

Fang: but... But I really need to go back!

I pretend to have a major stomach ache. Finally, Teacher Papa allow me to go back. As soon as I out of the class, I fly to Boboiboy's house using my Garuda Shadow Power.

Skip time~~~
I can see Ochobot waving his hand to me. I landed carefully and quickly run towards him.

Fang: how can he dissapear just like that?

Ochobot: I don't know but....

I look deeply at Ochobot. The word 'but' that he say is make me waiting eagerly for him to continue.

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