Seeing Both Sides

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Just a quick word about the formatting of this next piece. It is set up in a way that depicts two completely identical scenarios that are experienced by the SAME PERSON. The main character is a bisexual boy, and one scenario is of him with a girl, while the other is him with another boy. Keep in mind that these two situations involve the SAME BOY. After you have finished reading, take a minute to notice the differences between the two. Are these elements that are different really that important?

Scenario 1 (Girl):

I opened my eyes to see Cassie’s blue ones staring back at me. Chuckling slightly, I kissed her good morning and pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her slim figure. She nestled her face into my neck and sighed contentedly.

“Do we have to go to school?” she asked after a minute, moving her head to look at me innocently.

I smiled apologetically, “Unfortunately, yes.”

She pouted at me and batted her eyelashes, drawing a short laugh from between my lips.

I really did wish that I could simply lie in bed with her all day, snuggling and talking while the rain pounded against the window panes. It was so warm under the covers. But I knew that we’d be in trouble with both our parents and our teachers if we didn’t get up and go.

I yawned, stretching and swinging my legs out of bed. Cassie tried to pull me back under the covers, but it was a half-hearted attempt.

“Come on sleeping-beauty,” I teased, leaning over her and kissing her on the cheek.

She gave a muffled groan and I straightened up, pulling my boxers on. I then jumped onto the bed and started tickling her, making her shriek with mirth and surprise.

“Der-Derek … Stop!” she managed between fits of giggles, “Okay, okay, I’m up.”

I finally relented, rolling off of her and laughing my ass off.

She flipped me off then smiled warmly.

“Let’s get ready.”


We walked into the school hand in hand, smiling and greeting people that said hello to us in the hall. She didn’t look nervous that this would be the first time the school saw us together, quite the opposite in fact. She seemed to glow with happiness, smiling radiantly as we made our way to our lockers. As we had been best friends before we had started dating, we had adjacent lockers.

As I entered my combination, she waved at Amy, another one of our friends, and the two started talking animatedly. They kept shooting glances my way and giggling, so it wasn’t hard to figure out the topic of the conversation.

“Just can’t stop talking about me, can you?” I teased, wiggling my eyebrows at her, “I know I’m good, but that’s a little over done don’t you think?”

She gasped, flushing crimson as Amy cracked up, doubling over in laughter. I stuck my tongue out at my girlfriend when she flipped me off yet again.

She couldn’t keep a straight face and a choked laugh escaped her throat, making me snicker.

Then I pulled her to me, hugging her as I pressed my lips to hers. When we broke apart I smiled at her, “I love you.”

“Love you too … you big dork.”

A couple of my friends from my football team passed by at the exchange and each cheered and whooped, congratulating me on my ‘catch’.

Cassie put a hand on her hip, “Hey! I’m not a fish!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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