5 ~ bring me back to life.

Start from the beginning

He gives me a smug look. "Because I know you, Adira, and there's no way you trust me just yet."

"First of all, you don't know me," I state. If he's so set on being an enigma to me, I refuse to be an open book to him. "You're right though, I don't trust you. I'm just guessing you're a better option than whoever else is after me, right?"

"Sharp as a tack, as always," he replies, before turning to leave. "Sleep well, Love."

I roll my eyes and shut the door softly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of slamming it.

I'm lying down on a couch.

The room is dim, with soft light streaming in through the window as the sun sets.

I know that there are more important things I should be dealing with, that I should be entirely stressed just lying here when there's so much to be done, but I'm not.

Because there's someone lying next to me, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than with him.

My head rests on his chest as I steady myself to the calming rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Liam?" I say tentatively, breaking the silence between us.

"Hmm?" He replies, fingertips mindlessly brushing up and down my arm.

"What happens now?" I ask, terrified of the answer, but also desperately needing to know.


I lift my head slightly to glance up at him, but he's still unmoving.

"I don't know, Ira," he says finally, after a long hesitation.

I swallow hard, before replying. "I was afraid of that.." I answer. I wish things were different. Why does everything have to be so difficult for us? Why can't we just be normal?

At my words, Liam sits us both up, and rest his hands on my shoulders in a steadying gesture. "I'll tell you what I do know though," he says. "I know that, you're the most important thing to me right now. I know that we're stronger together than we are apart. And I know that nothing can change that, not for me," he finishes, placing his hand on my cheek. "How about you?" he asks.

I place my hand over his and lean into his touch. "I know that you're what I want, so damn the consequences I guess," I reply.

He grins, and with that, he takes me in his arms and kisses me, deeply and passionately, so much so that it feels like I could burn up if we continue, but I would never want him to stop.

He leans us back until I'm lying on my back and he's hovering over me, never once breaking apart.

Every move he makes sets me afire in new ways, and I can't get enough of it. Everywhere he touches is electrified.

He's what I want. He's my safety. He's what I've been missing for as long as I can remember. He's it. He's what makes me whole.

A sudden noise outside makes us pull apart.

Liam looks to the window and then back to me, a knowing look of dread heavily present in his eyes as I stare into them.

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