Louis: him and lucky aren't dating omg hazza

Harry: it doesn't matter louis! what he's doing isn't fair!

Liam: idk what to say to this. like i saw it coming but i kinda didn't at the same time ya know???

Niall: I ship it! :D

Harry: ur all fucking ridiculous

Harry: especially you zayn!!!!

Harry: this isn't even about me being cool w lucky

Louis: they're not dating!

Harry: it. doesn't. matter!!!!!!!!!

Harry: remember before our relationship? how we were dancing around each other and we didn't have a title but everyone knew and they were like "yeah harry and lou definitely off limits"???

Louis: yea...

Harry: how would you feel if you found out i was snogging it up with someone else?

Harry: and don't even lie bc we all know you would find out who that person was and literally end their life

Louis: pretty much

Harry: exactly

Harry: they're not official but they might as well be and this isn't fair to lucky at all

Harry: you need to tell lucky what you did

Niall: Then break up with him and go with Justin.

Harry: wtf????!!!!!!!

Harry: i literally need new friends

Harry: ur all messed up

Liam: kinda gotta agree with harry on this one

Liam: i know im all #teamzee but you can't lead someone on like that

Harry: i take it back

Harry: liam is my only friend now

Louis: ;(

Harry: don't talk to me lou. you're being an idiot

Harry: and i don't wanna hear anything from you either niall. you're supposed to be the smart one cupid, but now you're acting stupid.

Niall: Cupid is about bringing people together, but not just any people, but the right people.

Niall: I understand what you're trying to say here Harry, but Lucky and Zayn aren't right for one another. Do they look cute? Yes, of course. Do they seem like they share a bond? Sure do, but they also look like any basic couple that people would expect to be together.

Niall: Justin and Zayn on the other hand are perfect for one another. They're like thunder and lightning, fire and ice.

Niall: I'm sure nobody else sees it yet, but trust me, they're the ones that are meant to be. Not Lucky and Zayn.

Harry: wow... lucky's your friend ni

Niall: I know. And I know what Zayn did was wrong, I don't support it. But I do support Zayn and Justin. Simple.

Louis: weren't you rooting for them before harry?

Harry: that was before lucky and zayn. now zayn isn't being faithful to someone who is head over heels for him and that's not fair.

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