Rules (READ)

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Gotta have them... DX

1) No Smut! XD

2) No Abnormal Hair or Eye Colors!
As of that, I mean no 'natural green hair' or 'natural pink and purple eyes'

3) No Controlling other People's Characters!

4) Involve Everyone! :3

5) Don't be OP!

6) No Mary-Sues!

7) Keep your crushes a secret! And don't make it obvious!

8) Try to be active!
Don't make a form and just leave! ;3

9) Try to have good grammar!

10) Have Drama! :D

11) Don't have all the members of your family dead! :/

12) Keep your pets in line too, and don't make them too... Human-like? Idk XD

13) Keep out-of-roleplay fights, out of the roleplay!

14) Hate the character, not the roleplayer!

15) Make some men too!
Here, make at least one man! XD

16) Have fun!

I will add more when I think of them! :3

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