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We were back in studio, and back to our normal life routine. And the album was almost completed.

"Jas! You need doctor, Why are you not listening to me" Alex annoyingly said when I was lying down on bed lifelessly after retching out whole breakfast 

"No! Alex, doctors are scary, they have needles" I said in protest annoyed by her constant tantrums

"if this is food poisoning, it ain't going nowhere without medicine, look at yourself, you are turning all pale" she said caressing my hair standing next to me

"Say no to Mexican food" I groaned when I felt more sick laying down there, I sat down

"Maybe your fillet was rotten up, I will call and complain" Alex  said taking out her phone and dialing a number, because she ordered food last night and it didn't take any longer and I felt peristaltic wave in my gut, I quickly rushed towards the bathroom locking the door behind me

"Jasmin! Don't lock the door next time, infact there's no next time, I'm calling the doctor and taking your appointment" Alex yelled from outside the bathroom as I retched out all the stomach contents in toilet seat

"I'm calling Harry, he can delay the recording, we have to go to doctor now" Alex knocked on the door, I gargled and washed my face and taking the towel in my hand I went into the room

"You're not calling anyone, I need some sleep, I'll be fine" I threw the towel on the couch and walked towards the bed with my trembling legs

"I've already texted Harry tho, but you can use a nap" she pulled the sheets on me and I fell asleep in no time, when I opened my eyes, I heard Alex and Harry and their whispery laughs

"harry! You're here, what happened to your recording?" I got up at once and held my temples as my head spun

"Today's session is completed, but how are you now?" Harry came and sat beside me as he caressed my cheek

"I feel better, but for how long I've been sleeping?" I asked and he smiled at me

"Two hours" Alex butted in and I gasped looking at the wall clock it was eleven in the morning

"you don't look fine, you're pale" Harry stroked my cheek with his thumb, that frown never leaving his forehead

"I do feel better now" I smiled at him as I held his hand and kissed his palm

"Eat something now, you've an appointment with the doctor in the evening" Alex put the tray in front of me with fruits and juice placed on it

"I said no doctor" I mumbled

"eat this quickly, you've ten minutes" Alex glared at me standing there her hands on her waist

"Okay! Mommy" I laughed

"Don't be so hard on my wife mommy" Harry laughed

"Stop calling me mommy both of you" Alex slapped Harry's arm and he laughed as he picked up the kiwi and brought the fork closer to my face and the scent of the food hit my nerves and the aversion lead to another peristaltic wave, I quickly rushed towards the bathroom and retched out the vomit again

"What's gotten into you" Alex yelled annoyingly

"We have to call the doctor here" Harry said concerned

"Yes! I'll call her again" and before Alex could dial number I walked outside the door and my legs trembled badly and everything in front of my eyes blacked out, and next thing I remembered opening up my eyes to see everyone at my face

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant