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At evening, we sat down next to fire at the same place, because the time was already wasted and we were already tired, we decided not to hike further, we just stayed there, we were singing songs and hitting jokes on each other. The air was filled with cheerfulness again, there was something different and something strange too in the atmosphere. I was sitting near Harry, he held my hand the whole time as if for never letting go, he was continuously steeling glances at me, he seemed really happy, the kind of happy that makes you smile the widest and laugh with your heart at the same time, the kind of happy that makes you feel like you've conquered the afterworld, I was also happy but I wasn't satisfied, the doubtfulness of woman compares to nothing in this world, because at times you'd trust a wrong guy with all your heart but when the right one comes along you wouldn't trust him. I wasn't satisfied much with the things going on around me very fastly, not habitual of big changes all at once, Everything just seemed to be right like the pieces of puzzles fit together, but something felt wrong in my heart, there was mere a disbelief in my heart or maybe a fear of getting hurt again after the happy time is over. Harry seemed to be just satisfied but I was still bewildered

"this trip was kinda weird" Alex said laughing

"Yeah it was" Sophia too agreed

"I mean see, we have just hiked the quarter of this mountain and we can write three volumes of mishaps" Alex laughed sipping her cola

"Perrie gets injured, and then these two idiots get lost" Louis started counting, as if we were indeed writing the experience

"And Jas has a potato foot" Niall laughed pointing at my foot which I was placing on the other log

"No one makes fun of your girl" Niall quickly surrendered his hands in the air when Harry just looked at him, Harry chuckled looking down at me

" He's just teasing you" I whispered

" I know" he whispered winking at me while smiling with his eyes

He's so happy

"And also they're together now" Liam added clinking the bottle of beer and everyone cheered

"but this couple ain't that excited, I assume" Perrie said while poking my arm sitting next to me and I just simply smiled at loss of words

"what do you mean, we're happy" harry replied casually

"I like how you two are holding hands, but kiss already" Perrie teased and my eyes widened at this thought

"there's no need" Harry replied her squeezing my hand quietly telling me that I don't have to worry about it

"but you should express your feelings to your partner in front of everyone" Zayn said

"No!!" harry simply shook his head and everyone Became silent and shocked at the same time

"How come No?" Danielle asked surprisingly

"When in love, there's no need that you have to show it to others, this is the respect which is inside your heart for them, just between two people" harry answered and when I looked up at him, he looked down at me right  into my eyes, and in that moment I  realized that he's indeed right for me, because he respects me and somehow he's making me realize my worth. I smiled at him and in return he too smiled at me while stroking the back of my hand in circles, gently,  with his thumb

"you have learned too many of quotes from love, harry" Niall giggled filling the awkward dead silence in the air and harry simply winked at Niall

"too many quotes hmm?" I teased him whispering in his ear and he chuckled looking at me

"Okay! Okay!!" Louis waved his hand in front of our eyes, we were distracted after staring into each other's souls.

After a while, everyone went inside their camps, I was arranging my sheets bewildered  in my own thoughts

"Jas!" Alex placed her hand on my shoulder and I looked at her waiting for her to say more

"are you happy?" Alex asked quietly asking me to tell the truth. She snatched my hair brush when I was about to brush my hair while talking to her

"I don't know" I sighed

"why Jas? I just felt that there's definitely going on with you which is keeping your from being totally satisfied" Alex asked concerned and I knew she was worried, she gently brushed my hair

"I have no idea that what is actually keeping me from being totally satisfied" I said rubbing my hands in my lap anxiously, not knowing how to respond or how to actually react that time, but I was glad that she started this conversation, after all I had to discuss it with my best friend

"Try to relax yourself honey" she came in front of me and held my both hands to comfort me

"It is so many things actually, so many things" I sighed as my eyes were filled with tears, she cupped my cheeks ticuking the hair strands behind my ears she wiped my tears and kissed my forehead

"actually you are tired right now, you need some rest and then you'll realize that you have made a great decision of your life" Alex said and made me lay down and she also slipped into her sleeping bag

"do you love him?" she asked after a couple of silent minutes, while we were quietly staring at our camp roof in the dark

"I wasn't sure about it, but when he got faint in my lap, he was nearly out of breath, it was the worst feeling of all time for me, I just felt like that I am loosing my whole world, I realized I'm nothing without him, because maybe yes I love him, .... A lot"

I said, and in my heart I knew that I love him, she said nothing but she understood what I said

"you need time to realize that you've taken right decision of your life, trust me he's your healer" Alex said and I nodded quietly smiling at her

"okay!! You must be tired, we should sleep now, and tomorrow we have further plans" Alex said

"good night" I mumbled, and I told myself to be happy at what the time has brought to my life, maybe all of my prayers are answered, I wasn't scared enough now, because I knew that Harry is not a beast like Rayyan, he knows how to value a woman, and I'll give him everything he deserves

Please! Let this not be a dream

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now