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After a few months, When fourth album was complete and zayn officially left the band. We were in the way to the first ever concert without Zayn, it was the hardest thing ever to get done.
Boys were trying to maintain their usual jollification, but they were missing something, they were not genuinely happy, deep down they were really sad, perhaps they were trying to do so, smiling through pain

"Cola anyone?" Alex opened the mini refrigerator and took out chilled can of cola for herself

"Sure" Liam smiled and stretched out his hand to grab the can, rest of them didn't even bother themselves to answer her, Harry simply nodded his head to Alex

"They're not okay" Alex whispered in my ear and I gulped down saliva which was only making my throat more heavy than holding back my tears

"Of course" I simply whispered and looked down at the sheets of lyrical adjustment in my hand and it killed me to not see Zayn's name

When we reached the concert site, we were sitting back stage room, guys were getting ready brushing their teeth, checking the guitar strings, and vocal practice as usual, Harry seemed to be more upset than before, he wasn't even doing anything than just scrolling through his phone sitting on makeup chair. I was busy with the more lyrical adjustments, I couldn't talk to him in person before performance, but as Lads were walking towards the stage, I made an excuse and ran after them

"Harry wait" I called Harry and everyone stopped in their steps

"Jasmin" Harry chuckled holding my hands

"Damn! I need to work on my cardio" I blurted under my breath

"What happened?" He asked amusingly

"I just wanted to say, good luck, for the performance" I pulled him in a quick hug and rest of the guys laughed and teased us

"I know you it's difficult, but I also know that you can do it" I kissed his cheek and he waved before getting up on the staircase to the stage

I walked back in the room and found Alex delved in the prop box, I walked towards her and when she turned around her eyes were tearing up

"Hey!" I whispered rubbing his shoulder

"It's Zayn's" She showed me a brooch, on which '1D' was carved, thrown on him onstage by a fan, we kept that, like all the other props and stuff thrown on stage

"I miss him" Alex puts the brooch back in the box and I pulled her in a hug

"Strengthen yourself up, lads need support, don't fall apart in front of them" I said in a low voice holding my tears back

"They're trying to cope up with all of that, but they're terrible actors" Alex chuckled through her tears. The concert was already started, our work was almost sorted out that we rested ourselves for a while on chairs sipping coffee. And Harry dashed inside the room, and rushed towards the restroom. Alex and I glared at each other in surprise, I placed my coffee mug on table and stood up

"Relax Jas! he must be here for wee" Alex laughed and I was still standing there in shock

"There's something wrong" I said and walked towards the washroom door, and Louis came in too

" What's the matter guys?" I asked worriedly

"Harry broke down on stage while performing" Louis sheepishly fidgeted, Alex held his hand to soothe him up, and I placed my ear on washroom door, didn't hear anything

"Harry! Please come out, let's talk" I placed my hand on the door and talked nicely in low tone, and after a while when I heard the door knob ticking I moved back. Harry's eyes were freshly washed and I gave him a weak smile

"Jasmin!" Harry whispered my name and pulled me into hug, it took me a while to wrap my arms around his huge torso, he didn't cry that moment as if he needed the magic hug from me

"I'll have to get back, it'd be difficult for Liam and Niall to control the situation" Louis talked to Harry and he pulled back from hug

"Yes you should" Alex gave water bottle to Harry while talking to Louis

"He will be there in five" I assured him and he nodded with smile before leaving the room

"Do you need some rest?" I asked Harry before offering him the seat to sit, but he refused to sit

"I'm fine, how do I look?" He asked peaking in the mirror and looked towards me

"You look so cute" I scrunched my nose and he kissed the side of my cheek mumbling thank you, before leaving the room

"He had temperature" I threw myself on chair and held my temples

"I'm sure he will be alright Jas" Alex rubbed my shoulder

"I'm wondering how long will it take everyone to accept that Zayn's really gone" I talked to myself

"Harry!! You have fever" after concert when we were in the van to head back to studio I putted my shawl around his shoulders

"Well that explains why I'm cold" he wrapped his hands in the shawl to keep himself warm

"rest your head on my shoulder you'll feel better" I whispered and he did as so

"Lucky you" Alex made faces and everyone laughed including both of us, and somehow in my heart I was grateful that they were laugh again

"why he's having fever?" Niall asked

"He's suffering from a condition" Alex blurted chewing on a chocolate bar, and everyone looked at her blankly for her to explain why would she say that

"What!" Liam raised his eyebrows

"It's called Byezayn" Alex showcased her front teeth and I facepalm myself

"He's a little sad, he'll be fine" Liam answered and Harry just ignored what ever they were saying and I heard him snoring after a while

Harry's a sensitive person, who cares about little details about a person likeness. He has strong emotions towards various aspects of life but  he is not strong enough, to bear the loss of any closed one, Zayn was dearest to Harry, sure they can speak on phone or meet somewhere else but things will never remain the same, everything has changed, and he's not a fan of big changes. Per se He is also close to me now, which makes me the weak one, I have no nerve to hurt him and stab him at the back, I cannot leave him to struggle with himself in his own

"don't worry jas, he'll be fine" Louis whispered sitting in front of me and I noticed I was holding Harry's hand tightly without even knowing

"Yes! He will be fine" I smiled looking at Harry's sleepy face

Truly Sincere [Part 1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن