♤Mad Love|The Dream♤

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||Chapter One: The Dream||


"Y/N, over here!" A boy with black hair and a mark on his forehead called out. It looked like a cross. His blue earrings gleaming under the sun.

He was at least 6 feet away from you in a field of grass.

An red haired boy looking the same age as the black haired boy was right next to you. You were struggling to walk through the grass. It was too tall for you.

The red head squatted down.

"Here, get on!" He smiled, showing his teeth.

When the both of you finally got to where the black haired boy was, the red head twirled you around in the air before letting you down, making you giggle.

The black hair boy turns to you, and hands you a flower.

"Look what I found! This is for you, y/n !" He said while tilting his head and smiling. He tucked the flower behind your ear.

"See, it suits you!" He smiles.

You blush a little.

The red head climbed up a tree and tossed down an apple between you and the black head.

"It's freshly picked, you should eat it!" He said.

You bite into the apple and can't help but smile as the delicious flavor rushes through your tongue.

The black haired boy climbs up the tree as well.

"Me too! Me too!" You say as you jump up trying to climb the tree.

"No!" They both said at the same time.

"You are way too young, you might get hurt!" Red head said.

"I am not young! I am turning 7 this month!" You argue back.

"Oh, but we are already 11 years old! Y/N, you only come here during the summer and your dad told us this is your last summer here. So let us protect you one last time!" Black head said.

"Last time? You mean Y/N will never see you guys again?" You asked.

"Probably." The red head said.

You start to weep.

"I hope you remember us, Y/N." The red head says.

"We prepared a gift for you!" The red head says.

From his pocket he takes out a spider necklace.

"Wah, a spider!" You say as your eyes gleam.

"Uh-huh. It's so you can remember us forever." Black head said smiling super big.

"I'll miss you guys, H-"

You fall out of your bed.

Not again! You think to yourself as you let out a deep sigh.

For some reason, lately the same dream keeps appearing every night, and somehow you always wake up just when you are about to say their names.

The dream seems so realistic, but dreams aren't actually real, right?

But you can't help but start tearing up and become curious when you try to remember their names.

Or anything about your life before you were 7.

But somehow, you can't remember. Anything.

The latest memory you have is when you were told your parents died and nothing more. You were suddenly moved out of a mansion into your aunts house You remember her yelling into a phone everyday, stressing out, crying, and trying to pull her hair out. But once you turned 13, your aunt disappeared on you.

Or, as other phrase it, abandoned you since she took most of her stuff and left a few billion jenny, with a note.

"Don't try to find me. xox Your Loving Aunt"
It said.

The house was pretty average. You have been living alone in it for 6 years now.

You walk over to your dresser and get dressed. A ribbed fitted cropped black sweater, revealing your stomach and your collar bones, and skinny jeans. Then walk to the bathroom to wash and brush yourself. You picked up the spider necklace and placed it around your neck.

It's the same from your dream and it was with you ever since your earliest memory.

You thought of it as protection and good luck since it's been with you all 11 years since your earliest memory.

And you didn't know who gave you this necklace until recently in your dreams.

You tied your long hair up into a tight pony tail, and threw backpack over your shoulder.

You pick up your phone, and exactly one second after that your phone rings.

"Hello, Boss??" You say.

You worked as an assassin. It was high pay, and you don't have feelings for anything, or anyone. You didn't mind the blood. You didn't feel guilt, or sympathy. You just kill and get payed.

"Client down in York New City wants 76 men dead. Our top client to our top female assassin." Boss says.

You sighed.

"Now I'm gonna get my jeans bloody." You say.

Your boss chuckles.

"But y/n, you never leave any blood."

"Hmm, but I'll do it" You say.

"I knew you would. There's a private airship outside your house." He says.

"Got it." You end the call.

You put a baseball cap on and sunglasses to hide your face identity.

Apply some red lipstick to add more drama to your outfit.

You loved wearing red lipstick when you had to assassinate someone. You only wore lipstick when you had to assassinate someone.

White Adidas with black socks.

You always wear those white Adidas to your assassinations, but there isn't one hint of blood on them.

You walk out your door and lock your keys.

You step into the private airship and they inform you that you will be arriving in at most a hour.

You blood tingles inside your skin.

You never mass murdered anyone in York New before and you were excited.

Plus, somehow you have a feeling that something else, something more exciting will come, down in York New City.

Thoughts lmao. First chapter so it's probably really bad. Next chapter tommorrow!! please vote before proceeding :'))

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