A Choice With No Regrets

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Third person's POV

"Levi another expedition is coming, better prepare your squad and wait for further instructions". The Commander informed the ravenette who only nodded and proceeded to enter his office room.

Three weeks have passed since that happened. And still Levi couldn't simply forget. The horrifying scene he saw was too much even a stoic man like him can't handle.

He shouldn't have agreed. He should've just let them take him instead of them.

Regret,remorse,guilt and sorrow.

That's all he could feel, his thoughts jumbled, making it hard for him to concentrate. Many people would've thought that, he ,already moved on. But no, he did not.

Walking closer to his door, a familiar click was heard and he was in. He came across a full length mirror next to his closet, taking a step back he looked at his reflection.

He haven't getting much sleep this past few days. Paperworks, new cadets, the always dirty floors of the castle and that unfortunate event.

With a tired sigh, he fixed his jacket and hair then walked and sat down on his office chair. Staring at the stack of papers he hesitated, contemplating whether he should just continue this tomorrow or start it now. But after a few minutes, he grabbed the papers and pen.

As the pen moves across the paper, traces of ink was left.

After signing the first paper he placed it at his opposite side, separating it from the others that was not signed yet. He continued to do this, only stopping to read when necessary.

Few hours have passed, still he continued signing, as he was about to finish the last three a knock and a muffled voice interrupted him.

His gaze left the paper he was about to sign and landed on his door. "State your name and business"

"Cadet Mayne sir! Commander Erwin ordered me to give you a letter which seems addressed to you." A sighed escaped the corporal's lips. Is it another letter from a cadet's parent?

"Come in". After a few moments,the door opened revealing a petite woman with brown hair and blue eyes. The corporal not wasting any time led out his hand, gesturing for the said letter. The brunette walked closer and handed the letter then saluted. He placed the letter on top of his stack of signed papers.

"At ease" The cadet obeyed.

"Anything you want to add, brat?". The woman tensed, her nervousness starting to built up, leaving her fidgety and blushing. "No-none sir!" She replied, he inwardly smirked.

"Then you may go now" She nodded and walked to the door closing it behind her.

After he made sure that he was alone again,he stood up and locked the door. Him, locking the door, gave him reassurance that his privacy is not invaded.


Ever since he met that psychotic titan lover he made sure to never leave his door open where they can enter freely, well of course that didn't always work.

Remembering the letter he walked towards his desk again and sat down on his chair. A faint bit of curiosity  can be seen through his actions as he stared at the letter placed on his desk. The letter was sealed simply. It has no designs or what so ever.He then held it turning it over to read the address which indeed is addressed to him.

After reading who it came from, an audible gasp escaped the man's mouth. All the bottled up feelings he have hidden for three weeks arise inside him.

He felt his hands tremble a little, making the letter shook with him. He never knew that a letter was waiting for him,to be read after that expedition. He never knew that the two would prepare a letter for him.

He inhaled, shaking slightly, then exhaled preparing himself.Gently he opened the letter, setting aside the envelope now only holding the content inside it.

'Date: (Before the expedition)
Dear Aniki!

I, I mean, we decided to write a letter for you. I know it's a little weird for ya but don't care hahahhaha!'

A ghostly smile appeared on his face, apparently she carried her talking on the paper they wrote. Every time she act goofy, she never failed to humor the two. And reading this letter felt like they were here.

With him. Watching him.

'Anyway, we are really happy that, you , gave us permission to come with you tomorrow. Thank you for believing in us and don't worry! After all we learned from the best. We know behind that stoic facade of yours, you cared for us.'

And she's fucking damn right.

'Ya know, you and Farlan are my family and always will be. Ever since that day we guys met I instantly know that you're family. Don't ask me why, I just know.'

He shook his head at what the letter said as if saying he does not agree with it but if you look closer you can clearly see the hint of humor on his eyes.

'And now we're here. About to go to our first expedition, where we will be face to face with the titans. Hey Aniki, after this expedition let's go eat and drink tea to celebrate huh? Me and Farlan have been thinking about it since we first arrived here.'

He sighs,knowing that it will not be happening anytime soon.

'If we survived we'll give this to you, and if we don't and you did...someone will. We know that facing the titans for the first time can be dangerous but I have hope that we will all be safe at the end of the day.'

A faint frown settled on his face. And a tear seems to have escaped as it slid down on his cheek and fell down the paper he was reading,creating a tear stain. He shook his head again and wiped the wet spot on his cheek. Only to feel more droplets sliding down.

He miss those days where they were just together. No worries,no problems. No titans to worry about. He yearn for those nights where they just sit and talk around the bonfire they have created making it look like they were camping. Now that they're gone, all of it is just a distant memory.

For some people they try to forget the memories they have with the people who have left them, trying to move on. But for Levi instead of making it fade away he will cherish it.

Every. Fucking. Single. One.

'Oops! It seems that it's time to sleep. You know how they're here. Good night Aniki! Sleep tight we got a long day ahead of us! And don't forget,we love you!

Your awesome sis, Isabel. And Farlan.'

As the last words was read, he gently grabbed the envelope and slid the letter inside.

After reading the letter, a heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders.His feelings before subsided, leaving him at peace.

He wiped the remaining tears on his face.

'They maybe gone here,but they will be forever be in my heart and memories.'

He thought.

After a few seconds, a sudden gush of air entered the room making him shiver because of the cold it brought. He looked around wondering why the wind entered his office considering that the windows are closed the entire time.

His instincts act up, has there been someone spying on him? He slowly stand up making his way to the windows, when he felt no presence he turned around to go back to his chair, only to freeze.


Because there,sitting on his table a white feather appeared.

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