Chapter 2

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I was still a tiny bit shaken from the attack last night, I couldn't go to sleep after it but I doubt anyone could. I walked down to where my Dad stood talking to Korra, Bolin waits at the bottom of the hill with a small smile on his face.
"Hello, my love." I blush and quickly hug him trying to hide it. He laughs and hugs me back, his chin rests on the top of my head. "I'll miss you."

"Same," I reply to him softly. I wish he could come but it was a family trip and my father wanted to keep it that way. "I have to go now."

" I love you." Those words made my heart stop, I looked up at him and I smashed my lips into his. We separate when my dad comes and stands next to me, Bolin and I separate giggling while my dad smiles at us.

"It's time to go Nini." I nod and hug My boyfriend one more time then hop onto the back of Oogi.

Grandma comes up to Oogi with Aunt Kya and Uncle Bumi behind her.
"I think you forgot a couple of things"

"Mother, I think I need alone time with my family right now," I roll my eyes at Dad, they are family.

"This is your family, Tenzin, when you get to my age, you'll be thankful for the time you had with your siblings. Besides I think it's important that you all visit your father's home together"

Uncle Bumi punches Dad's arm and wraps it around his shoulders. "Come on! It'll be fun."

"I'm dying to see that laid back, Vacation Tenzin I've heard so much about." Aunt Kya cuts in.

"All right, hop on!" Dad hugs Grandma "I love you, Mum and we'll see you soon!"

Dad helps Uncle Bumi get on Oogi and then we're off. Bolin and I stare at each other as we get further apart, hopefully my family can distract me.


We finally reached the Southern Air Temple and I thought I might murder Meelo before we even got there.

"There it is, the southern Air Temple. Isn't it magnificent?" Dad exclaims. Personally I've been here loads of times but my siblings can't quiet say the same thing.

Three air acolytes walk towards us two carry are large case.
"Master Tenzin, Master Nini, welcome!"

"Good to see you again, Abbot Shung." Dad, Mum and I bow in respect.

"Is there anything you need? Water? Dandelion greens?" Shung asks, I continue to smile politely but this guy, wow. "Ahh, perhaps you'd like to recenter yourself by meditating in the gardens?" He talked a lot.

"No thank you, I'm fine." Dad replies.

"And you must be the honourable Pema! Please accept these gifts."

A old female Acolyte hands me a necklace. "Ah, you a very pretty!"

"Thank you! So are you." I say blushing, she smiles and looks at my stomach. I look down concerned.

"Good hips, perfect for babies!" My eyes widen and I blush so hard. I thank her and slowly walk towards me father.

Dad glances at me concerned, I wave him off and look at the necklace. It was almost identical to Avatar Aang's, I smiled to myself.

"Mommy, Daddy, look! I finally got a lemur! I'm gonna name him... Poki!" Meelo cries excitedly, jumping on the acolytes. The lemur flies away and Meelo air scooters after the poor thing.

Sadly though all this 'exciting' things are happening, my mind still stays on Bolin.


"Wow the statue room," Jinora states in awe. I smile, I've always loved this place, the thought of my grand father and his spirit watching over me like I was extremely sacred myself.

"That's right, Jinora, the most sacred place in the entire Southern Air Temple." Dad says "Here, you will find statues of every Avatar who ever lived. Where are your brother and sister?"

I walk forward ignoring Dad's question, I lock eyes with Grandpa Aang's statue. It felt like something was there, I look behind me and Jinora is staring at the same thing.

"Aunt Kya!" I call getting her attention, she stops walking and waits for me. When I reach her she smiles and places an arm over my shoulders.

"How are you today my dear?" She asks. I shrug.

"I'm enjoying it but I wish Bolin was here." She smirks and shakes her head.

"That's normal dear, anyway if it makes you feel an better when you get back you'll love each other more."

My eyes light up. "Really?!"

"Okay, I actually have no idea but you'll be fine." She says with a reassuring smile.


It's late at night and I can hear little footsteps. I sit up and Jinora is walking out of the room.

"Jinora, what are you doing?!" I whisper shout trying not to wake up the others.

She turns to me and waves me over. I get up and follow her, we walk out to the hall of statues. This place is creepy at night.

"Whoa." I glacé over at her and she looks at one of the statues "what Avatar is this?"

She was right I've never been told not do I have an idea of who that could be.


I step out of the room, stretching in the process. I walk down to where my family sits in the sun, today I was going to relax but immediately I'm put on Rohan duty though I don't mind he is adorable.

I lay out a blanket on the ground and I start tickling him. His adorable baby laugh is pinching my heart, I smile at him.

I get one of his toys and give it to him, he starts to cry. I lay down next to him and with my finger make patterns on his face. He slowly goes sleep, so do I.

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