((Chapter Ocho: Like, OMG!))

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Ok, could this girl possibly get any more hot? Or crazy? Or gorgeous? Or out of her mind insane? I should get her certified or something. What just happened, whatever it was, was so irrational, so impossible, but it happened! I don't know how in the world I managed to recover from that. It was so tough, but I did it.  

"Are you going to call them back?" That phone scared me out of my shoes, but I managed that joke. Good, she's smiling. Annabel comes back into the living room, she was gone for about a minute.  

"So, that might be enough excitement for one night. See you tomorrow, Annabel." I gather my stuff again, but, once again, she stops me.  

"Um, my cousin from Florida is here, she called, and I told her that I was working on my project with you, and she's crazy about guys, in general, and um, I was wondering if you'd, uh, like to meet her?" After watching Annabel painfully stumble through that, I feel like I have to stay. I mean, she's nervous, and now I can get back at her for forgetting me earlier. Although, I don't think her cousin will have anything on her. I'll pretend like she does. The doorbell rings, Annabel cringes at the sound. I don't blame her, it's creepy and loud. "T-that's her." Annabel looks at me, then almost reluctantly goes to answer the door.  

"ANNA!!! Holy cow it's been too long girl!" Annabel's cousin bursts through the door and engulfs her in a monstrous bear hug. I can't see her face, but I can see Annabel's as she loosens up and smiles. I guess she remembered what I said about changing the way she braces herself.  

"HALEY!!! Haley Renee! I cannot believe you're here." Annabel is using fake enthusiasm, but that Haley girl is oblivious. Whoa, now I see her face, she is drop-dead gorgeous. Not the natural kind like Annabel, but still, I think she'd be considered better looking than Annabel. "Haley, this is Ian. My project partner. And the new kid at school. But that's all." Annabel's face turns the slightest bit pink, but her cousin doesn't notice. She apparently notices me, however. I mean, come on. I can recognize a girl checking me out from a mile away. Ok, maybe a little closer, only because my vision isn't 20/20.  

"I'm Haley, but you can call me Hale." She purrs at me, holding her hand out. I take it, then let it drop. It's freezing! She already knows my name, so I just look at her some more, analyzing her. She's sickly skinny, maybe that's why her hands are so cold. Poor circulation, a result of anorexia nervosa? Hey, I pay attention in class. Haley tries talking to me, complete with over-exaggerated gestures. But, I'm not paying any attention to her, I'm watching Annabel. She shrinks into the corner of the couch farthest away from Haley as she can get without be considered rude, a blank stare on her face directed towards the TV.  

"Are you listening? I asked where you're from!" Ok, this Haley girl is obnoxious, I don't think I can use her to make Annabel jealous, I'll have to find someone else. Some other time, too.  

"Um, California." I avoid her eyes, trying to maneuver around her. Haley steps in front of me.  

"OMG! Cali? Where?!" Her jaw is on the floor, her eyes are silver dollars.  

"Sacramento." I turn and look at Annabel, the source of the answer. I thank her silently, but Haley is anything but thankful.  

"Was I asking you? I don't think so." She turns back to face me. "So, how's Cali?" Holy cow this girl is, like, freaking stupid. Yes, she really said o-m-g, and she really said Cali, and twice at that. Like a Malibu Barbie. I know, Malibu, California, whatever.  

"Sorry, it's just that Ian's not that big on talking to superficial skanks. Like, ok?" I had to smile. Annabel sounded anything but sorry, and that last part she used her 'bitch voice'. Now, perfect time. Haley was distracted with glaring at Annabel, so I used the chance to go and flop on the couch close to Annabel, I'm half lying on her. She laughs, gosh it's like music, and tries to push me off to a more comfortable distance. Which, to Annabel, means a seat away, but I scoot so I'm right beside her, our arms touching. I lean against her, and turn to the Colt's game.  

"Good choice." She whispers in my ear. Haley is just standing there, staring like an idiot. "Oh, Haley, wherever are my manners? Would you like to sit?" Annabel's face is hidden to Haley, and she smiles into my neck. Haley's fuming now.  

"No I would not like to sit and I would not like to watch the Ponies and I most definitely would not like to stuff my face full of greasy, disgusting, pizza!" At this point, Annabel leans forward so she can be seen, and takes a huge bite of her piece of pizza. This girl is great! Haley huffs and storms out the door, into her car, and hopefully back to Florida.  

"Wow. You guys really love each other, don't you?" Annabel's still chewing, that was a pretty big bite.  

"She used to be cooler than cool, now she's just an anorexic bitch." She says after swallowing. Then her eyes widen. Mine too.  

"Annabel, wait, what's your middle name?"  


"Annabel Marie Litchfield! You just swore! Congratulations, your first cuss word! I'm just so happy to be part of this moment in your life!" I love making fun of her. I mean, she's definitely not one to say anything bad. About her own family, even!  

"I-I, I didn't say..." She looks like she's just seen a ghost. "No, you know what?" Ghost turns into accomplishment and excitement. "I did just say that. I really did!"  

"Wait, what'd you say again? I forget." She smiles at me.  

"I said she's an anorexic bitch! Yeah! She's so full of shit, I mean, did you see that little slut throw herself at you? Like she'd ever have a chance, that whore. She has a boyfriend, actually it's more like a friend with benefits, more likely." Annabel smiles in triumph.  

"Whoa, Annabel, you just said about, um, four cuss words, in one sentence. I don't think I should be associated with you anymore." I sigh as I stand up, and one more time grab my bag to head out the door. How many times have I almost left tonight?  

"Wait, don't, I'm sorry for cussing! I swear I won't anym-" Her apology is cut short when she jumps up to stop me, and trips over the couch. She runs into me, and we both go down. Down onto the hard wooden floor, ow. She lands hard for a skinny girl. Breaking her fall is bittersweet. She looks at me, her eyes are huge, then she smiles. That makes me smile. Then we start snickering, but all of the sudden, it stops. Our gazes lock on each other's, and she leans in towards me the slightest bit. Well, of course, you have to remember we're not very far apart. I go to close the distance, we're two inches apart. Just like in the hallway, only I'm actually going to kiss her. Scratch that, make it 'only I'm actually going to ALMOST kiss her.' Because the second before I did, the door flies open, and stumbling in come Annabel's parents. Thank goodness they can barely walk, because it takes me a second to stand up and get Annabel up with me. Right after she gets her feet underneath her, Annabel's dad turns to me.  

"W-who are you?" Who who, who who? Dr. Who theme song? Sorry, I had to. I open my mouth to speak, but Annabel beats me to it.  

"Dad! Hey this is my project partner I told you about well anyways you guys should probably go sleep off your, um, wastedness and he was just about to leave so I'll see you guys in the morning, ok?" The whole time she's pushing the two of them to the stairs, and eventually up half the flight.  

"Oh, ok." He mumbles, half-crawling up the rest of the stairs, her mom in close pursuit.  

"So, I guess I'll actually be leaving now."  

"Yeah, what's it been, four times you've tried to go?" Annabel's grin is a little crooked, probably because she's exhausted, because she definitely looks it. She walks me to the door, and we stand there with the door open, staring at each other.  

"G' night." Annabel waits for me to say something or just leave, so I surprise her. I pull her into me, and kiss her for real. I push her up against the door frame, and she puts her arms around me neck. We're starting to get into it when we hear a dull thud coming from upstairs. We break apart, and she looks worried.  

"It's ok, we're fine!" Annabel's mom's voice is muffled through the door, but she's still heard, and Annabel relaxes.  

"Night, Annabel." I smile and get into my car, and finally and reluctantly, leave.

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