Chapter 1: Departure

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Emaan was furious. How dare they think of sending me there of all places! she thought resumed  slamming articles of clothing into her oversized suitcase. She remembered their conversation clearly,

 “Emaan sweetie, your being unreasonable” her mother sighed rubbing her temple.

“Mother! You’re the one being unreasonable! I don’t want to go to Marrakech! What I want is to hang out with my friends!” Emaan whined stamping her feet like a child with a tantrum.

“Your friends will be here when you get back Emaan, we are only going for one month, not a year Emaan” her father replied annoyed by Emaan's outburts.

 “Yes they’ll be here but what about all the fun things we had planned!  Like the midnight festival and the parties and-“

“Ya Emaan, I’ve told you already we do not approve of this! partying and going to concerts should not be the lifestyle of a muslim girl. Your mother and I believe that a change of scenery would be good for you!” her father said firmly.

His brow furrowed deeper and his scowl stetched across his face. Emaan knew he wouldn’t budge so she came up with another plan.  She batted her eyelashes and cupped her hands

 "But Momma…you know how much this summer was supposed to mean to me, please Momma I know you atleast understand me” she said sweetly praying that her mother would see reason. She only used “Momma” when she was trying to get her way and it usually worked…most of the time.

“Emaan, we’ve already made our decision, we are not asking for your permission. Your father is right you know? Maybe you’ll see things differently when we land, I know you’ll like it! You remind me of myself when I was younger, all the colours and the markets-”.  

“Guess what Mom! I’m not like you and I never will be. LIKE. YOU!” and she stormed upstairs slamming her bedroom door in the process.


 Was I being too harsh? Not a chance.

She was already happy living in Toronto with its constant noise and smells of car exhaust. “What kind of 17 year old girl wants to go on vacation to Morocco? Seriously? I don’t even think there are malls in Marrakesh” Emaan whispered violently to herself. Its all their fault! Everything is always their fault! She swore that she would never speak to her parents, ever. I still don't get why they still treat me like a little girl! Emaan had graduated high school this year and planned to spend her summer with her friends. Her parents ruined that plan.

They always wanted to change her. First it was sending her to Islamic studies, then the constant reminders “Emaan its prayer!!”. Ah! Its just to much to handle.

She thought she was a pretty good muslim! She prayed….sometimes, 

She fasted….mostly

She visited the mosque…occasionally.

Sure she never paid for charity too the poor but it was only for good reason. She knew better then to give away money here! The second you give away money, they spend it on alchol or some other messed up drug. She remembered offering a homeless man food and he threw it on the sidewalk and cursed at her. What an idiot, he could've eaten something

 “Emaan its time to go love” her mother called from downstairs. She didnt bother responding. She hefted her suitcase downstairs ignoring her parents. She wasn’t going to like this trip. She wasn’t going to like it at all.

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