Bellamy laughed a little at the kids innocent expression.

"Okay, well I can't let you walk all that way with no shoes on. How about I give you a piggy back ride there so that your feet stay nice and dry. Here put your hood back on."

Sam nodded eagerly and squealed with laughter as Bellamy scooped him up and swung him into his shoulders, holding Sam's cold feet in his hands to warm them up.

"Hey, bud can you hold this for me?" Bellamy handed Sam his police hat and smiled as the kid put it on, swearing to take good care of it.

"Officer Blake? Is it cool being a police man? My best friend Jack's daddy is a policemen and he says his other dad is always worried about him."

"Jack has two dads?"

"Yeah they both came to school on Father's Day and Jack was really proud and he said I could share his dad's since I didn't have one."

"Is this Jack Miller?"

Sam let out a happy yell.


Bellamy laughed "I work with one of his dad's at the police station. He's my best friend actually."

"Wow! Just like me and Jack!"
Bellamy laughed again.

"Yeah just like you two."

Bellamy could feel Sam's arms unclench from around his head and released on of his feet to hold the kids back in case he fell.

"Me and Jack drew a picture today! You wanna see?"

"Sure buddy."

Sam shuffled around, making Bellamy slow down his walking so that the kid could get his back pack off to get the drawing out. He held it in front on Bellamy's face as they started walking again.

"See? It's me and Jack and Jacks dog and chickens that were at his house and I got to pat them all."

Bellamy looked at the crayon drawing, one green figure holding the stick hand of the red figure. And there was a yellow table with a head and tail that must have been the dog.

"Wow that's really good Sam."

Sam's feet kicked happily against Bellamy's chest as his arm flung out to point at the drawing.

"Me and Jack are holding hands cause one day when we are big we are gonna get married just like his daddies."

Bellamy walked through the doors of the hospital, ducking a little to make sure Sam didn't hit anything hanging down from the ceiling.

"You have a crush on Jack?" Bellamy couldn't help smiling at the red heart drawn between the two figures on the page.

"I don't have a crush on him, we're in love."

"Oh, right, of course, sorry bud. So you two are in love. How do you know you love each other?"

Bellamy walked to a sign on the wall with all the floor levels and functions for them. Sam pointed to the one for floor two and they walked to the elevator, Sam still excitedly babbling.

"Cause he lets me use his special pencils that his Daddy got him from his drawing job." Bellamy nodded knowing Nathans husband was an artist.

"And we hold hands at recess and we like all the same superheroes and sometimes we swap jellies at lunchtime cause his favorite is green and mines red."

"Well you're definitely in love then. Swapping Jellies? That's serious business."

Sam laughed and Bellamy took him off his shoulders to put him on the ground as they walked out of the elevator to the pediatric desk.

A series of bellarke oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें