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" Hello everyone I'm colin. I'm from Texas and I hate school " he said. I laughed at this knowing he really did hate achool. Just like me which is one of the reasons he was my best friend. "Alright colin you may take a seat now". He nodded and walked to the only vacant seat in the class which just so happened to be next to Ms bitch. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I still couldn't believe my best friend in the entire world was here. I looked at the teacher who's name I still didn't know. I tried listening but it got to boring so I zoned out. I came back to reality by the wonderful voice of my best friend colin. I looked at him to see him talking to Ms bitch. "Hi to you to stranger" he said. Ms . bitch giggled. I had to hold in my throw up. "Your so cute. So are you single?" The slut asked. "Yeah" colin simply said. Ms bitch was basically glowing now. "So what so you say we skip next period and head to the janitors closet for a quickie." I mentally gagged. "Hey listen I'm not interested."colin said but ms . bitch just kept trying. "Don't worry I believe in male pleasure first. " she said. I jumped in. "Hey he said he wasn't interested. So backoff slut"i said. She glared at me."sorry but I wasn't talking to you. I don't normally talked to losers like you. "She said. Colin glared at her." Don't talk to her like that you worn out price of shit. At least she's not spreading herpes to half the schools population. " this made the whole class roar with laughter. Ms . bitch turned red and stormed put of the class room. I stood up and to her seat whole the teacher was trying to calm the class down. "I see you still act as if your my bodygaurd. I could've handled that colin" I told him. In New York he always acted like he needed to protect me. "No hug or a 'hi colin I miss you. Will you marry me'"he joked. He always did have a tiny crush on me. I like him to. But would never dream of telling him that. "Hi colin. I didn't miss you why are you here?" I asked. "He frowned and touched his heart playfully. I giggled at him. After the bell rung I ran out the class and hid by the door. When colin came out I jumped on his back.

Colons P.O.V
When I walked out of the class I startled by someone jumping on my back. I already knew it was maya from the perfume she a
Was wearing. Vanilla.
I always loved that scent. And I loved it even more when she was wearing it. I smiled. "Hey maya. " "hey colin " she said in her cute little voice. I loved her. I just didn't know if she loved me back the same way. I came here to be with her. Even if it wasn't in the boyfriend-girlfriend way. She got down and walked in front of me with her body facing me. She was smiling at me which made me want to smile to. "So...who was that girl back there?" I asked. "Ugh that was ms . bitch. The slut of Texas. "She replied and I laughed. "Already got a nickname for her" " yup" she replied. I smiled at her. We agreed to meet up at her house after school went to the rest our classes. We walked to her house when school ended and talked about almost everything. I told how New York was and how everyone missed her and she told how Texas was and how she hated almost everyone there. We watched movies and when she fell asleep I kissed her head and left. U walked home happy and wishing that I would one day be able to kiss her on her lips that looked so kissable. I got home showered and went to bed thinking of maya. I loved her so much I thought as I drifted of to sleep.
Hello babes did you enjoy it? Well you'd better in wrote this story on a battery percentage of 7%. So sad right. Anyways vote and Comment pls. I'm gonna put my phone on the charger before I have to a funeral for it.
Later losers


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