Chapter 1: Conflicted Feelings

Start from the beginning

"hey, buddy," he told her. "if you so much as hurt my bro..." He then let his eye sockets go dark. "you're gonna have a bad time."


As said before, it has been exactly one month since (Y/N) had fallen down into the Underground. Despite the warning Sans first gave the human, she had become more at ease around the brothers and the townsfolk. It was almost as if she had lived here for longer than a month.

Papyrus was delighted that his guest enjoyed her stay here. And he was sure that Undyne wouldn't mind by now; even though the monsters needed one more human SOUL to break the Barrier, they have all grown quite used to the two humans exploring the Underground, and they didn't want to harm them anymore, seeing how nice they really were. Papyrus always liked to spend time with his newfound friends.

And, as much as he hated to admit it, Sans was starting to grow used to them too. Frisk hadn't RESET in a while. (Y/N) didn't seem all that bad. It felt as if everything was going to be okay with them down here. How could anything go wrong?


Well, there was one thing.

Sans still felt uneasy around Frisk, but he felt even more uneasy around (Y/N). Well, he wasn't exactly sure whether to call it an uneasy feeling or not; he just felt very weird around her. He couldn't quite explain it. Was it because he thought she was going to stab everyone in the back--metaphorically and literally? No, that wasn't it... But if it wasn't that, then why was he feeling odd?

Distracted by his own thoughts in Grillby's, he didn't even notice (Y/N) sit at the stool beside him at the bar.

"Hey," she greeted to get his attention.

"huh?" Sans blinked and looked over at her, sitting up straighter in his seat and letting his smile grow. "oh. hey."

She laughed a bit. "You okay?" she asked him, a concerned smile on her face.

"yeah. yeah, i'm ok," he replied, waving her off with his free hand. His other hand was holding onto a half full bottle of ketchup, which rested on the bar.

(Y/N) nodded at that. "Okay... Just checking on you," she told him.

Somehow, that made him feel a bit happier.

Grillby then came closer to the two after he finished polishing a glass, his flames softening slightly. "Good afternoon," he greeted politely. (Y/N) greeted him back with a smile. "May I take your order?"

"I'll just have a burger and fries again with a soda," she replied with a chuckle.

As they chatted a bit about her order and their day, Sans couldn't help but watch her. But it wasn't to see if she would try anything dangerous; he just wanted to look at her for a moment. Her (H/C) hair still had a few melting snowflakes on it, which made it seem like it was sparkling a bit. Her (E/C) eyes shone from Grillby's flames. Her friendly expression matched the welcoming warmth of the bar, even though her cheeks and nose were still a bit red from--


Said human brought Sans out of his thoughts yet again. He blinked in surprise, realizing that he was staring at her, then looked away. welp, that was embarrassing, he thought. "uh, yeah?" he replied, glancing at her. He didn't let his smile falter, but his cheekbones said otherwise, a light dusting of blue appearing on them.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. "You sure you're okay?" she asked, obviously concerned.

Sans then realized that Grillby was gone, getting her order prepared. jeez, how long was i staring? "uh, yeah," he repeated.

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