Chapter002: Her FRIENDS Part1

Magsimula sa umpisa

Hiroto: “Yes Hon?” <3 

Eunnah: “Are you sure we’re on the right way??” 

Hiroto: “Huh, ohh I’m pretty sure it’s on this way…well based on the map Len gave us.” 

Eunnah: *looks at the map* “…” *shocked* “Waaahh!! Ponpon-kun! You’re looking at the map the wrong way!! Look the words written in it is upside down.” *points on the words at the map* 

Hiroto: *looks at the map again* “Oohh, yes you’re right.” 

Both: “hhmmm…” *thinks hard* *looks at the place and then to each other* *then finally realizes* “We-we’re…we’re looossssstttttttt!!!” *screams loud* *birds flies out of the trees* 


(At the parting point of Mao and Len’s place where we left them arguing.) 

Len: “Hhmmm…why are they taking so long…I wonder where they are.” 

Mao: “See, they might be lost at this point now!!” 

Len: “I gave them a map!! And what are you still doing here by the way?!!” 

Mao: “I don’t trust them, so I should make sure that their heading to your place!” 

Len: “Do what you want, hmph!” *leaves* 

Mao: “Hey! where are you going?” 

Len: “It’s already getting dark, I’m going to look for them.” *walking away* 

Mao: “Are you stupid?? There are wild animals wondering around by now.” 

Len: *stopped* “Aww, is that for real?? You’re really concern about me??” <3 *glittery eyes and smiley* 

Mao: “Huh, I was more concern for the animals.” *walks away the same direction as where Len is heading* 

Len: *annoyed* “Then where are you going?!” *change mood* 

Mao: “I’m going to help you find them. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to be wondering at this kind of place at this late hour.” 

Len: *chuckles* *whispered* “Liar.” *blush* “Hey wait for me!” *walks beside Mao*

(Hhmmm…looks like everything is going well with this two…Now let’s see what happen to the lost couples awhile ago.) 


(Somewhere in the park’s forest, the two is still lost and walking towards nowhere.)

Eunnah: “Ohh, my Ponpon-kun it’s already getting dark.” <3 *holds into Hiroto tightly* 

Hiroto: “Don’t worry Hon, I’m just here beside you, I won’t leave you.” <3 <3 *leans his head to hers* 

*walking while holding each other tightly* (ahh the sweetness.) 

(After a while the sun has really now fades and the darkness eats the whole place. Many unwanted noises are now coming out and shadows are spacing out. *Ahh, I love how it rhythms haha…Ermm.*) 

Hiroto: “Uhh…uhmm…maybe we should find some place first where we can stay for the night.” *looks around* 

Eunnah: “Ahh, Ponpon-kun…that’s a great idea!” <3 <3 

*hugs each other tightly* 

(After the “hugging” part, the love birds continues to walks forward and finally found a tent and with a camp fire! YAY! Ermm…and hhmm?? Ohh wait, something’s kind of the place is some of our characters possession or something…specially the bench beside the tent…looks really familiar…hhmmm…*thinks hard* *and then realizes* OMG!! It happens to be Mao’s hideout!![<- Narrators need to EMOTE sometimes y’know XD] looks like Mao’s thoughts are just becoming true. It will be a not so good thing for Mao now. *laughs*) 

「アリバイ/ALIBI」Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon