"I risked everything to come and warn you, the least you can do is calm down and show me some respect. Besides your little temper tantrum what else has changed?"

          "My patience." I hissed as he gave a silent nod.

          "Did you get my note?"

          "Yes, this evening."

          "I had it delivered this morning. It was an urgent letter. Onyx tracked a few of us back to our location in Florida. We could obviously hold them off. We destroyed a big majority of our problem." Joe was wasting my time, and the longer he spoke, the more I wanted to ram my fist into his face. I quickly bawled up my fingers as he took notice. "Although your files were wiped clean, you were never getting off their list. Apparently they found a way to track you here. That's how I found out."

          "How could you find out unless you guys are working with them now."

          "Selena's coding worked like a charm. It actually loaded into their system and sent over information while destroying them from the inside out."

          "No, she told me she destroyed the program. She made sure it wouldn't transfer any data. Besides, how would it be able to transfer after two weeks? Something isn't adding up." I studied my surroundings before jogging over to my truck.


          "You listen, if you want to talk, we do so on my terms. I'm not wasting any more time. I have to find Selena. You knows what happens when we lose a trail." I climbed into the truck as Joe gritted his teeth and climbed into his own vehicle.

          "Dial '72' I'll talk to you through the speakers." Joe awaited my instruction. I hadn't expected to be tugged back into this mess. I was already lightheaded and here I was going into the dark without a weapon. I had nothing but an old friend who now spoke in code. I dialed Joe on my phone just before my car's speakers began to hum and my Bluetooth connected with him.

          "As I was saying, I tracked you because someone was in the old system trying to start it up. It failed obviously, but their search was leading back to you. Here."

          "How?" I questioned just as I made it as fast as I could towards the airport.

          "I told you, Selena's program. But that's not all. It wasn't specifically you that intrigued me, nor Joshua back at headquarters."


          "It was Selena herself." Joe was keeping a close eye on me, not even traveling an entire car distance away.

           "Whoever 'they' are, they're tracking Selena?" My voice cracked.

           "Her coding is unique. Apparently she's traceable through a certain system she uses. A system that not many can perfect. A system she still uses today." As Joe and I made it onto a dark road, I began to speed up.

          "What do you mean still? She hadn't been coding lately."

          "Are you sure about that?"

          "Yes I'm sure!" I snapped, studying the dark road as my eyes began to blur. "She...she couldn't be coding again. There's no need."

          "Old habits die hard, don't you think?"

          "Why did you come back Joe?" I changed the subject as the man through the speakers sighed.

          "I wasn't going to let you do this alone."

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