"Just Friends"

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I give thanks to all the people that made the fan art in this fanfiction. I didn't make any of them.

Steven and Connie had been friends since last summer. Steven is now 14 and Connie is 12 3/4. They both like each other but they don't know how to say it.

Steven is watching Crying Breakfast Friends when he felt his phone go off.  He noticed that it was Connie and grinned.

"Hey Steven, do you want to meet me the light house for a picnic, I have something for you."

Steven texted back as fast as he could and said,

"Sure I'll be there in 5 minutes!"


Steven put on his sandals and hopped on Lion. He started running, let out a roar and made a portal that they jumped through. They were at the lighthouse in seconds. Steven sat down and gave Lion a Lion Licker. "That will keep you occupied," Steven said to lion.

"Hey Steven!" A familiar voice said.


The two friends hugged and sat down. Connie opened the basket she had brought with her, pulled out a blanket and laid it on the ground. She then pulled out her violin and said "Come and share this jam with me." Steven blushed and said "Here, wait a minute" and walks over to Lion. He pulls his ukulele out of his mane, sat down next to Connie and started to sing.

"The sun is bright, our shirts are clean, we're sitting up above the sea. Come on and share this jam with me! (Connie) Peach or plum or strawberry, any kind is fine, you see. Come on and share this jam with me! I'll do my best to give this jam the sweetness it deserves. (Steven) And I'll keep it fresh, I'm jamming on these tasty preserves! (Both) Ingredients in harmony, we mix together perfectly, come on and share this jam with me!"

We finished our song and started to eat the sandwiches that Connie made.
"These are great Connie!"

"Thank you" She said as she blushed.

She's so cute when she blushes. I want to tell her how I feel but I don't know how. God why is talking to someone have to be so hard.

Back to third person P.O.V.
"Oh Steven I have your gift!"
Connie hands Steven a white gift bag.
Steven blushes and opens the bag. It's a dogcopter t-shirt.

Back to Steven's P.O.V.

"Thanks, I love it!" then I hug her. I let go and looked at her beautiful brown eyes. "I also I have something for you, too." I closed my eyes and started to lean in.

Connie's P.O.V.

Is this it, is it really my first kiss! I started to lean in too and closed my eyes. I felt his warm, soft lips on mine and we shared a kiss. I felt Steven pull back." Uh sorry! I-I didn't mean to.."
" Its fine" I said cutting him off. " I liked it"

Steven X Connie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now