Naval Battle

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"Alright everybody! Are you ready for the Grand Magic Games!?" The speaker called. "YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!" Cheered the crowd. "Alright! First up is Naval Battle! It turns out its going to under water! The competitors will be Lucy, Manerva, Juava, Shella, and (sorry I forgot the rest, but they were in Mermaid Heel)!" Called the speaker.

The girls came out in their bikinis. The whole crowd cheered. "Well isn't that a surprise!? The girls are in their swimsuits!" The speaker said.

The got the bubble ready and the girls went inside. "OK! The people that will get out of the bubble will be out! Good luck!" The speaker said.

Xx Meanwhile, at the girls xX

"Alright! Open, the gate of the water barrier! Aquarius!" Lucy said. Then Aquarius appeared. Juava was fighting with Aquarius until Aquarius said,"This is taking to long. I'm outa here!" "What!? You can't leave me! Where are you going!?" Lucy said. "Somewhere better." "Don't tell me..." "To my boyfriend. Scorpio." "WHAT!?" She then disappeared. "Oh my! It turns out Aquarius left her celestial wizard to go with her boyfriend!" Called the speaker.

*times skip cause I can!*

Everybody was out of the bubble leaving Lucy fighting Manerva.
"Don't think I'll go easy on you, Lucy," Manerva smirked. I can do this! I will not let fairy tail down again! Thought Lucy.

*after the fight (cause it's long)*

"Call out the fight! We can't loose a celestial wizard!" Princess Hesui's guard said. They called off the fight but Manerva was holding Lucy from her neck about to drop her. She then let her go. Lucy's body went limp and she fell. "LUCY!!!" Yelled Natsu and Gray as they ran trying to catch her. They caught her. "Come on Lucy! Say something please!" Gray said holding her head. "What in the hell is wrong with you!? You went to far!" Natsu said to Manerva. Shella, Wendy, and Juava were using their healing powers to heal her.

Natsu, Erza, and Gray stood up glaring at Manerva. "You can glare at me as much as you but let me tell you, I was following the rules. I just wanted to entertain the crowd." "You're going to pay for this!" Natsu said taking a step closer to Manerva.

Suddenly, 3 wizards of Sabertooth stepped in front of Manerva.

They took Lucy to heal and everybody was sitting next to her. She groaned and woke up. "I'm s-sorry guys..." Lucy said. "What? What are you apologizing for?" Natsu asked. "For letting you down again..." "You got in 2nd place. That's great!" Gray said. "Yeah. Great job!" Erza said. "But. I l-lost my keys..." "I have em right here," Happy said giving her the keys. "Thank you Happy..." She then passes out again.

Then the master came in and said that they were gonna join teams. "What!?" Natsu said. "Yes. Its because now there's only 7 teams and we can't have odd teams so we put you guys together," the master said.

A/N- alright guys, Fairy Tail is my favorite anime so I hoped you liked Naval Battle!

Get ready for the other one!

( PS, the fights won't be in order, I'm just remembering them)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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