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The people on the main land had waited for the ship to show up on it's shores. They weren't expecting to have the ship wash up on shore. It's contents still aboard, untouched. It's people and crew, Gone. Words began to whisper and the people began to pray. One god heard their prayers. His name, Poseidon.

Poseidon rose above the waters and walked on the shore. The people bowed down and whispered words of prayer.

"I hear your prayers and feel your pain. It is time the sea is cleaned of the evil." His booming voice crossed the land and everyone cheered. The town people were tired of loosing their family and friends.

"I will call upon the sea to clear this evil out once and for all." Poseidon said as he turned back towards the water. He didn't see the glow of red eyes near the rocks as he lifted his arms.

The eyes rose above the surface with her arms above her head. Her hair turned a snow white and she wailed her song. Poseidon laughed at the banshee. He quit his laughing when the water rose high above and washed over the land.

As Poseidon was washed into the water, Balor took hold of him and dragged him to his home. Once their the god of the seas had no power over the people.

"I will not tolerate this brother." Poseidon said to the other god.
Balor laughed. "I am not your brother. And I don't much care what your tolerance is."

Poseidon frowned. "Suit yourself." Then he closed his eyes. A wave crashed at the edge of the underwater city. Balor laughed harder at the god of sea. "If you wish to sink the city I fear you are too late."

Poseidon opened his eyes. "I am not trying to sink your already sunken city. I am going to move it."

Balor laughed again. "It can't be moved. It's rooted to this spot."

Poseidon stopped and looked at the demonic god. "Water can move mountains."

"Yes that is true. However when you gods decided to rid the plant of these people it trapped their souls here for me."

This time Poseidon laughed. "Their souls can be released then and when that is done. I will rid this plant of you."

Balor lashed out at the god of the sea and was promptly flattened. Poseidon moved with such speed that Balor hadn't seen his leg swing up  if he had he would have dodged the blow and saved the pain he now had.


Athena watched the two fight. It was a splendid sight. The one man had such speed and grace while the other was clumsy and awkward. When the battle met it's conclusion Balor had vanished leaving the other man standing alone.

The man turned and looked at the girl a slow smile spread across his face. He had seen the girl watching. Already he knew who she was.


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