Supper time.

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Athena finished showering and dressing as another knock on her door sounded. She went over to the door once again the window opened up. "My lady I really need to do your hair." Selena said sounding slightly panicked.

"Of course." With her words the door slid open. Selena was a petite woman who appeared to be in her early twenties. She had brown hair and blue eyes. "Sit please." Selena said as a chair appeared in the room with a vanity.

Athena sat quietly as the woman fussed around with her hair. Athena always found her hair strange. It was bone straight and a odd shade of red that made it look almost orange. The colour of fire as some of her villagers said. She was shunned a lot, her hair colour and her eyes made her an easy target.

Selena didn't say a word as she twisted and pinned up Athena's hair. There was a knock on the door and Athena got up to see. The little window appeared and showed her that Cadeyrn was standing on the other side. His eyes were closed as he spoke. "Are you ready?"

Athena turned towards Selena who nodded her head silently. Turning back to the door Athena placed her hand on the pad. The door slid open. "I am ready." She replied.

Cadeyrn carefully opened his eyes. His breath caught in his lungs as he stared at Athena. She was beautiful. He knew the women in Aryanna would become jealous. Especially when it is revealed who exactly Athena is. Cadeyrn recognized her instantly for what she was. It was her eyes. Those same eyes that were staring straight at him. "You look beautiful. Come we must hurry. We can't allow Balor to wait too long. He isn't patient." Cadeyrn said taking Athena's hand. The moment his hand touched her images of her naked beneath him filled his thoughts. He led her to the dinning room. They were the first to appear. And Cadeyrn pulled a chair out for her to sit. She was to sit on Balor's left. Cadeyrn's father on the right. Cadeyrn could sit next to Athena or allow one of his comrades too.

Cadeyrn noticed the way Athena's eyes took in every detail. And he realized he needed to sit beside her. How much restraint could he have?

"The architecture and art is absolutely amazing." Athena said as the room began to fill up. A couple of women dressed similar to himself and his comrades. Balor made sure the laws that they had gave all the women equal legal status to men. If the women wanted to be warriors then they were warriors. These two women were some of the best. Aibhlinn (ave + leen) is Cadeyrn's baby sister. Rosaleen is Seisyll's sister. Caiside, Seisyll and Teutorigos took their normal spots at the table. As head warriors they needed to be informed.

Balor was the last to show up. Everyone stood up as he appeared. He stood at the front of the table looking at each person with his closed eye. How he could see everyone Cadeyrn didn't know. Balor sat down. "Sit." He said to everyone. The sounds of chairs scrapping the marble floor filled the silence as everyone took their seats. Food was brought out and placed on the table. As soon as the servers left the room Balor once again stood up. "For all of you who haven't yet met this woman. This is Athena. Please stand child so everyone can get a good look at you." Balor said. A few gasps were heard as everyone took in her appearance. Everyone remembered Meara (meer + a) the beautiful banshee with the violet eyes. "As everyone probably has figured out. Athena is Meara's daughter." He looked at Athena. "You can sit again dear." He said to her. Then he too sat down. "What you all probably don't know is who her father is and why she was in the village above land." This time it was Cadeyrn's father who spoke. "Meara was attacked by a villager on the main land just after our island was sank. Meara tried to make it back."

The room was absolutely silent as Cadeyrn's father paused in his telling. Athena stared at him. Cadeyrn could tell she wasn't believing a word of what was being said. Her thoughts told Cadeyrn that she believed the vile woman who raised her to be her mother.

Balor looked at everyone  once again. "We must eat. There is a full moon tonight. We will discuss the rest of this after the swim."

Forks clanked as everyone began to eat. Athena remained still as her thoughts ran rampage threw her mind. Cadeyrn took his hand and placed it on her leg. "Eat" he whispered into her ear.


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