Chapter Nineteen; Happy Birthday

Start from the beginning

I frowned, "That's why I'm going to talk to him... before I make my speech. I have to properly apologize for what I did, and pray to God he forgives me... I cant marry you, I have to marry the one I love.."

"I get it. My family expect me to come back a promised King, but I dont want to be a king... I also dont want to marry a boy I dont love, and especially one that doesnt know how to win a race." Niall said slyly, before lightly tapping his horse a few times, before it began to run.

I grinned, realizing he just challenged me to a race. Like I was about to let him win.


"Step-Father," I squeaked out as I stood in front of the tall and fairly aged man, "I want to go to the ball."

I had no idea where my courage had come from, maybe it was the wine Louis and Zayn gave me beforehand.

They had somehow convinced me to tell my step-father I was going to the ball. I had to go, after all.

"Excuse me?" His voice came out deep and annoyed. He was going through his letters while standing in the kitchen when I so rudely interrupted.

"I-I want to go to the ball." I shakily said, trying to keep myself together.

I was determined to go. I had to, anyway.

"No." He simply replied, "And call me Mr. Tomlinson. I'm not your step-father."

My face fell, "What?"

His eyes met mine, "Your mother died a while ago. Lets not make a scene."

As much as those words hurt, I was still determined, "Please can I go to the ball? Its just one night! I have to go-"

I never really liked my mother being mentioned... I loved her dearly... I know he did too.

"Have to?" He snorted, raising a brow, "Alright then. You may go..."

"I really w-wait.... did you just agree?" I stepped back, completely surprised.

I can go?

"Yes." His lips twitched into a grin, "You're very eager, and it obviously means a great deal for you-"

"It does!" I nodded frantically, "This means the absolute world to me, thank you so much!"

I was literally on the vurge of dancing happily around him, but I refrained myself from acting crazy.

I was even close to trying to hug him, but I remembered that he hates me.

"Well, you obviously cant go to the ball dressed so... you." He cleared his throat, pointing at my clothes.

I glanced down, noticing how ragged-like they were; he was right.

"I dont have anything..." I frowned, knowing my clothes were limited, "Maybe I could borrow one of Louis or Zayn's outfits?"

"No," He tisked at me, "I think there's something better for you to wear, actually." He patted my shoulder, "Follow me."

I felt overwhelmed with how friendly my step-father was being... maybe I should have stepped up to him years ago. It seems I've just been a worry-wart all this time.

I eagerly followed him upstairs, confused as he led me to one of the older rooms we barely used.

It was crammed with storage from years of living here.

"That trunk, over there." He pointed near the barred old window, "Your fathers old clothes are in it... things that might fit you."

I blushed, "My fathers?" I swallowed.

He never came back from war, and some part of me missed him, but not as much as I missed my mother... maybe because I never really knew him all too well.

I had no idea he had his things here though... I was actually slightly hesitant to look through the trunk.

But I really wanted to wear something nice to the ball, so I made my way over, crouching down to open it.

I pulled out the first thing my hand could grab, which was a suit shirt. A really nice one.

"That looks lovely," My step-father cleared his throat.

"Should I wear it to the ball?" I smiled, turning to face him as he stood at the door.

"Most definitely... although," he hummed, stepping back, out of the room, "There'd be no point."

I furrowed my brows, "Why's that?"

He grabbed the door, shaking his head, "Because you're not going. That prince has made my son suffer, and there is absolutely no reason for you to come. I intend to give that horrid Prince a peace of my mind, and you'd be an annoying distraction."

Before I could even have a say about what my Step-Father had said, he had slammed the room's door shut. A click sound coming immediately after.

My stomach dropped as I bolted to the door, trying to open it.

Oh god, no!

He's locked me in here!

I tried as hard as I could to open the door, banging my fists against the hard wood, "You cant do this!" I pleaded.

"See you in a few hours, boy!" My step father laughed, his footsteps sounding more distant as he began to walk away.

I felt my heart beat faster, he cant leave me in here!

I began to gasp for air, panic rising dramatically.

I'm going to miss Justin's ball...

Author's Note

Apologies for the wait, guys!

But drama llama!

Haha, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I've been so distracted lately.

Btw; you should all follow my fan account instagram for Justin! IG: BelieberThoughts94
I post stuff... like the picture linked on this chapter... its a shared account haha. Its kinda crappy but im trying to be creative with it. Love you all x

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