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Hello, hello
Anybody out there? Cause I don't hear a sound
Alone, alone
I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now

From deep within a cave in hell, was the demon, who has brought chaos and destruction, sentenced and exiled to hell where he would spend the rest of his eternal life. He looked up, all life drained from his once life filled eyes.

Devoid of life within this place, he was lonely. How he had greatly missed the times when he was outside the world, spending time with his family and friends. Deeply regretting those conflicts he once had with his brother and every other wrong decision he had made.

Now he was all alone.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name
Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough

He stood up and walked around. No matter how many times he goes around, there will be no one. He closed his eyes. He liked to imagine his mom still hugging him. His dad just sitting there occasionally patting his head. His older brother always being there for him. And his little brother who often liked to call out for him.


Cause my echo, echo
Is the only voice coming back
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have

He bit his lip as he closed his eyes. They were gone. The only thing he heard was the echo of him repeating his own name in his little brother's stead. He looked around to only the shadows and rocks surrounding him. Those times... Are never coming back.

Listen, listen
I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give
But it isn't, is it?
You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head

Exile felt the tears stinging his eyes as they always did ever since he came there. He had hoped that someone, anyone would somehow come down there and ease him of his pain.

But.. How could he..?

His parents are dead.

He fought with his brothers and was defeated by them.

There was no one who will come for him.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name
Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough

The women he loved both died before him with nothing else he could do. Useless, unreliable, he couldn't even protect them from the fate called death.

He really missed those times when he was happy and in love. Like nothing could ever go wrong.

Cause my echo, echo
Is the only voice coming back
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have

Exile whines as he just sits there on the ground. He desperately wanted those times back. But who was he to even wish for such thing? He brought in chaos, he didn't even deserve such happiness.

I don't wanna be an island
I just wanna feel alive and
Get to see your face again
I don't wanna be an island
I just wanna feel alive and
Get to see your face again

If only he could, he would set back time and change everything. Just to see the ones he loved so dearly once more.

But 'til then
Just my echo, my shadow
You're my only friend and...

But what could he possibly do..? He still wouldn't be with his family.. Those who have died would still eventually die.. And even his own children would eventually no longer need him. What was the point? The only this he has now is the darkness. His own permanent form being the exact representation of the darkness within him.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name
Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough

Exile clenched his teeth as his tears poured out, soaking the collar of his clothing. He roared and cried over his own misery and self pity, loathing himself entirely.

He had enough. He didn't want this. He hates this loneliness. But he could do nothing but scream and ignore the pain.

Cause my echo, echo
Oh my shadow, shadow

All he wanted was happiness..

Was that so much to ask for..?

Hello, hello
Anybody out there?

Song Based One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz