Save Yourself

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I'm the devil's son straight out of hell
And you're an angel with a haunted heart
If you're smart you'd run and protect yourself
From the demon living in the dark


The silver haired teen looked up at the one who called out to him. He growled at the sight of her smile and just looked down at his chains.

He nearly turned full out demon. He was completely aware of that. And here she is, the woman he loved, coming up to him like he wasn't a threat.

The girl approached him, to which he instinctively backed away. The girl blinked then giggled at his actions, making him raise a brow in return.

"What's so funny?" Mirage asked. "Get away from me, I might hurt you."

"Oh nonsense. Let's take a walk, its a nice day out." The girl smiled as she took off his chains, freeing him from his shack prison.

She really was kind. Too kind for him. He had no right to have her.

There's nothing to be gained cause I can never change
And you can never understand my sickness
(I'll never understand my sickness)

Mirage stood up and sighed as he rubbed his aching wrist with his hand. "You're such a stupid villager, you know that?"

"Whatever you say Mirage.", she smiled. "Now come on before Leo and Ryo come back and scold me."

"There's a reason while they'll scold you Yui. I'm evil." Mirage sighed.

"No you're not." She whined. "After all, you wouldn't let this happen!" She said with a closed eyed smile, standing outside.

As soon as she said that, a few arrows were headed her way. Eyes widening, Mirage tackled her to the ground, getting her out of the way.

"Are you okay?!" He looked to her worried, already in a state of panic.

Yui nodded and sat up as she opened her eyes. "Of course!"

Mirage blinked then groaned as he saw her eyes were indigo. The color shrouded in mystery. It was just an illusion. She tricked him.

"See? You're not bad!" Yui smiled.

"You don't understand..", Mirage sighed.

Save yourself
From a life full of lies and a heart full of pain and sorrow
Save yourself
From the choices I make cause nothing but failure follows me
Save yourself

"I'm too dangerous to be around. You can't stay with me." He sighed. "I don't care about hurting the two imbeciles or Lea. But you..? I don't want to hurt you Yui. You'll just get hurt."

Yui just whined then simply smiled. "Well, that's to be expected, right..? Even best friends hurt each other sometimes."

His chest started hurting at the word. Best Friends. Thoughts of killing off the rest of his friends just to have her came to mind. Other thoughts were to kill her and rule over the world like he originally planned. But mostly, he was more concentrated on making it more than just friendship.

But he didn't deserve it. Especially once she founds out what he did you her. She'll just be heartbroken.

You're the perfect drug when it hurts like hell
I've never needed anyone so much
There's no-one else I love and I curse myself
Cause the right thing is to give you up

"Just, stay away from me.." He sighed as he started walking back to his prison.

"No can do!" Yui pouted as she pulled him back. "We are going to take a walk through that forest and you are going to like it!"

Mirage groaned but complied anyway. There was no point arguing with her. She never stops till she gets her way. Still, it made him happy that what she wanted was a walk with him alone.

He then sighed. He was still going to have to think of a way to get away before she gets hurt even more by him.

"Hey, Mirage..", called out Yui, snapping Mirage away from his thoughts as he turned to her.

I'm overcome by shame cause I can never change
And you can never understand my sickness
(I'll never understand my sickness)

"Remember when you saved me when I collapsed 15 years ago..?"

"Of course I do." He scoffed. I was planning to kill you then, if it weren't for that barrier, he thought.

Yui smiled and leaned closer to him as they walked. "Thank you.. For always being with me since then. And even now. I thought you really wanted to stay on the farm."

"You're more important than the farm.. Its empty without you. You're the ray of sunshine the plants and I need after all.", Mirage sighed, blushing a bit as he looked to the side.

Yui giggled and playfully pushed him. "Oh, you cheesy bastard you!"

Save yourself
From a life full of lies and a heart full of pain and sorrow
Save yourself
From the choices I make cause nothing but failure follows me
Save yourself
From a life full of lies and a heart full of pain and sorrow
Save yourself
From the choices I make cause nothing but failure follows me
Save yourself

Mirage groaned. "You're annoying, you know that?"

"I know." She smiled "You're the only one whose honest with me. You insult me when you have to, and its the truth. When you say something nice, its also the truth. Leo and Ryo always treat me like a princess.. But I don't want that. I want to be treated like a normal person.. Like you do to me. I like your honesty."

Mirage bit his lip. "Eat your words.. That's not true."

"It is!"

"Its not, okay!?" Mirage growled as he glared at her. "You're better off with those two anyway, why are you even still hanging around me?"

"I want to.." She whined.

You'll never understand my sickness
(I'll never understand my sickness)
Cause i don't understand my sickness
(I'll never understand my sickness)

"You can't stay with me!"

"I don't care! I love you!"

Mirage's eyes went wide, completely shocked by her words.

"I love you Mirage.." She repeated, hugging him tightly.

"... But you can't.. I'm dangerous, I could hurt you, you don't know what you're getting yourself into..." He sighed, hugging her back.

"I don't care. I can protect myself. I just wanted to stay with you ever since we were kids. And I still want to be with you, even with you all unstable like this."

Mirage sighed and cupped her cheek as he furrowed his brows. "You'll be saving yourself so much pain if you back out now."

"I'm willing to risk it."

Yui smiled and kissed Mirage on the lips, of which he returned as he held her closer in the flower filled forest.

"I love you too.."

Save yourself
From a life full of lies and a heart full of pain and sorrow
Save yourself
From the choices I make cause nothing but failure follows me
Save yourself
From a life full of lies and a heart full of pain and sorrow
Save yourself
From the choices I make cause nothing but failure follows me
Save yourself

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