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The secret side of me, I never let you see
I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

"So, what are we doing here Nigel?", the red haired girl asked as she turned to the black haired teen.

"This alleyway is kinda creepy..", the white haired boy whined as he looked around.

Nigel smirked, hands in his pockets as his eyes turned red. "It's not that creepy.. if you think about it, no one could hear or see us. This is the perfect spot.", he said, placing his hands around their shoulders.

It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls
It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

Juro shuddered as he looked back to Nigel. "H- Hey.. Have you been wearing contacts all day or something..?"

Nigel grinned. "That's just the sun, idiot."

Usagi whined as she slapped away Nigel's hand from her shoulder and backed up against the wall. "D- Doesn't Daiki have to start playing in a few minutes? Let's just go.. And stop being creepy."

"Yeah..! Let's support his little basketball dream!" Juro nervously laughed as he looked to Nigel.

Nigel just frowned and looked down as he let go of Juro. He was really annoyed. They were his best friends and they irritate him so much. But a tiny voice in his head keeps saying otherwise.

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

"You know, that's just my problem with you two.", Nigel growled as he glared at them.

Juro furrows his brows, confused and terrified to see his friend like this as he also backs away and stands protectively in front of Usagi.

"What are you talking about man..? Are you feeling alright?" Juro whined.

"C- Can't we just please go back to Daiki now?"

"... Because of you two, Daiki and I don't spend as much time together.. He spends his time daydreaming about you in his room." He glared at the female, crossing his arms then turning to the other. "And he always practices his basket ball with you." He then smirks. "But what if you two were gone?"

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

"That's not funny..!" Usagi whined as she held onto Juro's arm tightly.

D o n ' t h U r t T h e M . . .

Nigel clicked his tongue and growled as he heard the voice in his head. Guess he didn't have full control after all.

Juro looked to Usagi who looked back toward him then glanced at the small hole in the wall that led to the inside of a building. It would be a tight fit, but it would be enough to get them in. Her at the very least.

"So what if we spend a lot of time with Daiki? He's our friend." Juro growled as he glared back at Nigel. He was terrified, honestly. His calm and bored purple eyes were now red and full of bloodlust. This isn't Nigel anymore, he thought. That's why he has to stand up to him and somehow find out what happened to the real Nigel. "And we spend time with you too. We study together, and you and Usagi are in the gardening club together. Even if we weren't hanging out with Daiki, you'd still be with us. You have no reason to get all mad at us!"

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