F*ck Away The Pain

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You think your life is done he took it all with him
So you drink enough for it to wash away the sin
Such a shitty thing he did, the way he said goodbye
You can take it out on me if you like

"I absolutely hate Ryuu..!"

The man sighed as he watched his female companion cry and drink to her heart's content. He rolled his eyes and drank from his own bottle.

"I just don't get it.. We already had you knock up that bitch and he still stayed with her! After warning her about you! Then we kidnap her and bury her alive, and he still found her! What makes her so special?!" The girl growled as she threw the bottle of whiskey to the wall.

"Hey, this is my place, I'm not cleaning that up." The other growled as well as he sighed and looked the other way. "And anyway. He has like 3 kids from her, and he's been engaged to her since what, his sister's party you said?"

The girl growled. "That was the day he broke up with me and got engaged at the same time. He hated her, so why does he love her now? It's not fair!"

Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain
Fake it like you love me, Come on baby touch me,
Show me where it hurts, this dirty little curse
Don't have to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
While I fuck away the pain

"You know what? You're just frustrated. Now calm down."

"Oh shut up Edmund! I know you are just as mad about this as I am!"

Edmund sighed. "You know what else I'm mad about Hayley?" He then glared. "You won't shut up."

Hayley whined. "And you can't make me! Today sucks!"

"Don't make me try. You'll end up begging for more." He sighed.

You hate the way he fooled around behind your back
A slave to him but now with me, no strings attached
But if you wanna use me up and leave me in the bed
If that's what you need go right ahead

Hayley raised a brow. "Oh really now?"

"Hey, you tried and you failed didn't you? Why not change that pent up frustration into something else. Just for one night,no strings attached, and we get back to trying to get Kaye and Ryuu apart." Edmund smiled as he scooted closer to her.

Hayley was silent for a while as she stared at him. ".... You're drunk."

"Maybe, but, you're pretty close too aren't you?"

"Shut up.."

Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain
Fake it like you love me, Come on baby touch me,
Show me where it hurts, this dirty little curse
Don't have to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
While I fuck away the pain

"Sure thing." He grinned as he swooped in for a kiss.

Hayley was genuinely surprised but kissed back anyway, parting her lips, allowing Edmund to slip his tongue in and ravish her hot cavern. Their tongues intertwined, both battling for domination as they suck and lick one another, but Edmund ended up in control, slowly pushing Hayley down to lie on her back. He then pulled away, a trail of saliva hanging off their mouths.

Hayley blushed and looked to the side while Edmund just smiled. "We shouldn't." She whined. "We're only partners cuz we just want those two apart."

Stronger than a shot of whiskey or any pill you take

"I know. But, what better way to forget them for a while than doing this?" Edmund grinned.


"I'll make you forget all about Ryuu.." He whispered as he licked up her ear and unbuttoned her top.

Hayley blushed more and whined. "Then I'll make you forget about Kaye tonight.."

"That's the spirit~"

Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain
Fake it like you love me, Come on baby touch me,
Show me where it hurts, this dirty little curse
Don't have to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
While I fuck away the pain
Erase him from your brain
Fake it like you love me, Come on baby touch me,
Show me where it hurts, this dirty little curse
Don't have to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
While I fuck away the pain

(No lemon, sorry xD)

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