Publishing FJ

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You guys are amazing! I could have never imagined this story becoming what it has turned in to! But I need to remind every one. MY BOOK IS PUBLISHED!! IT IS AVAILABLE WORDLWIDE SO DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WHERE YOU LIVE CAUSING ANY PROBLEMS ORDERING IT!  THERE WILL BE BONUS FEATURES!!! Extra chapters, alternative ending, and MORE!! but you will have to purchase to find out!!! 

I thank all of you for taking this journey with me, lizzie, and Liam (whose name is going to have to be changed due to the fact Liam is a real person) 

I really hope you guys will help spread the word about the book. Hopefully get your friends to purchase it as well! 

I want to thank all the amazing people I have met doing this! Thank you for all the fan mail, fan art, and everything you guys have done for me!!! I love you all my Sammiekins and I hope you will continue to follow me and my journey! 

And to make things even cooler I am publishing ANOTHER book after Following Jane! 

Or Here: 

I secretly want to be a NYT best seller! help that out! Kindle version:  Paperback version:

Following Jane - Now PublishedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant