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Piko shoved Yuuma out of his way and made himself as home. "Uh-woah.." he said from the unexpected push. "Well.. Welcome to my home" he greeted his guest. Piko was still silent. "Your clothes are wet- do you want to take a warm bath? I'll get you a change of clothes and wash your current ones-" Yuuma offered. His face flushed. "oh..fuck." He was a nervous wreck. An adorable, small shota is in his house, going to get undressed in his house and tame a bath in his house.
Piko gazed up at his elder. "If you have no trouble doing this for me.." he muttered, a heavy blush stroke his face. "If it was trouble than I wouldn't have offered" Yuuma smiled happily as he pet the short man. "The water is heated so you might as well start the bath" he spoke turning his head away to avoid eye contact. "...where is it..?
He looked tk the left, they the right.

Hey hey hey

;v; her you go.

Btw Art is By ask-pikoandyuuma on tumblr.

Edit template By waifumatsu.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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