Wet and Worry

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The only good thing about half drowning was that I never lost contact of Hector. I tried to hold his head up as best as I could while my head was under.

A 17 year old didn't matter when there was a 6 year old child in the picture.

We tried to swim away from the current of the water pushing against us. I felt bruises on my back from the pressure of the water. I felt fire in my lungs. And I felt my head pounding.

I was going to drown soon.

Hector was sitting on my shoulder his head barely poking out of the water. He told me where to swim and I tried my best not to die at this moment. That's lightly putting it.

I felt the water under me shallow up and I felt contact with ground.

"Just a little more Lilly!" I couldn't do it.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. No more could I hold my breath.

"Lilly!!" His voice was muffled. I felt him get off my shoulder and try to drag me to the end of the tunnel.

Come on Lilly I heard a voice in my head.

I decided to push a little more.

I kicked my feet behind me and swam again. I felt the ground under my feet and fell face first towards it.

Deep gasps escaped my mouth, followed by howling coughs, barely managing to get any oxygen in my lungs.

I was just laying down on the ground helpless. Water is powerful. I just never understood how powerful.

I managed to sit up and look at Hector. He looked scared, worried, and broken. I reached out my hand and ruffled his wet hair.

Then I was back to reality and looked at my surroundings.

My jacket was sprawled across the sewer floor very dead looking. Guess I probably matched it's state.

My long sleeve shirt stuck to me and my hair was frizzy.

"Hector shut your eyes for a sec." He did as I said.

I took my long sleeve off and looked at my stomach. Sure enough, bruises were placed on my white skin. Some were taking shape and changing color, others already had.

My sides had bruises but also some blood stained scratches from hitting the walls.

I sighed and put my long sleeve back on.

"You can open em." I said.

It's surprising how much can happen in so little. Everything could change in such little time. Disasters and the best things in life can happen in less than 2 seconds.

"Is your tummy okay?" He asked nervous.

I smiled and nodded, "How about yours?"

"I didn't get hurt. You saved me from that the whole time."

I smiled again.

We had to get out of here never left my mind.

I reached over to my
Jacket and picked it up trying to shake all the water off of it. Then I remembered.

My Ace of Spades.

I quickly scrambled up to my feet and reached in my pocket.

Gum, wallet, pocket knife lighter- no Ace of Spades.

I cursed to myself and hurried down the tunnel. The water had subsided a bit so I could walk rather than swim. I dip my head into the water opening my eyes and feeling it burn. I look around as best as I can. No card. I bring my head back up taking a big gulp of air into my lungs and decide to search again.

Prayer Of The Refugee Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora