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I hummed and held my head low, the music in my earbuds blaring as I kept it loud, keeping the voices of others from hitting my eardrums. Particularly the couple that was walking next to me, acting lovey dovey and all that crap. I glanced over at them and rolled my eyes, it was just so cliche.

It's like every movie and book coming to life, being the third wheel of your best friend and his boyfriend. Just great.

I rolled my eyes more as Sehun left kisses at Luhan's cheek, leaving a few pecks at his neck as well. This was completely normal, at least I thought it was. It was a little more decent than what most people do in their spare time at school.

There's not really a problem with me that Sehun is gay, I mean he is my best friend and probably the only person to actually be caught dead with me.

So I cant exactly throw him away either.

I kept my gaze forward as I tried to concentrate on the music penetrating my ears, focusing on the road that grew a little curvy, pacing my steps to arrive at school just in time for the first bell. Just doing anything to distract myself from the cruel reality.

I glanced over at a moment, keeping an eye on the two love birds to make sure they don't randomly strip in public. But I froze once I noticed them missing. My eyebrows furrowed as I took out one of my earbuds, my eyes glancing around.

Then I heard muffled screams.

"Stop it!" I heard a familiar voice yell, it was obviously Sehun.

I quickly ran into the direction of the voice, coming to an alley way. I removed my other earbud as I stormed down the alley, only one thought going through my mind.


I took deep breaths to calm myself as I came closer and closer. I could hear the blood pulsing through my ears as my nerves kept growing and growing, adding up to my anticipation.

Finally, at the end of the dark alley were three people, no four people. Three of them were standing, one was on the floor clutching onto his side. It was Luhan.

I felt the blood boil up to my anger, soaring through my veins as I watched as one of the people standing up kept kicking his side. I looked to the other man as I noticed one of them was holding Sehun, him squirming and wrenching around to get free, his screaming pleas echoing along the walls.

I clenched my fists as I stared, my nails digging into the skin, "Hey!" I yelled, catching the two guys' attention.

I stormed over as I tried to calm my breathing, my nostrils flailing up. My bottom lip quivered as I tried to take deep breaths into my lungs.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" My voice screamed out as I pushed the man away from Luhan, lightly picking up the small boy, who only winced in pain.

I sat him against the wall as I turned to the two men, Sehun getting free and running to Luhan's side. The shorter man was blonde, his eyes sunk in, leaving a shadow, I could almost call him a panda. The taller one had a bigger built than the smaller though, and he stood a bit over me, which had me a little over edge.

"Call the police." I spoke, turning my gaze to Sehun, who fished his phone out of his pocket.

I turned back to the men, their teeth baring as they stood next to each other protectively. The shorter one then made a move, kicking me quickly, sending my body back as if it was a rag doll. I slumped against the wall as I coughed, trying to regain the air back into my lungs the best I could.

The two snickered, laughing at my struggling form. I stood up straight as I made a fist, punching the panda dude who kicked me. I pushed him down to the ground, my punches kept coming as I let all my rage and stress relieve of my body.

But I stopped as my body was thrown to the side, hitting into a dumpster that was on the side. The taller looked straight down at me as he drew a knife from his pants pocket.

"What a pretty face, too bad I have to slice it up." He spoke, bringing the blade to his mouth as he licked it.

My body shuddered as I watched him bring the knife down. I acted quickly, taking a piece of broken glass and tackling his body down, my hand bringing down the glass. I didn't think as my hand came up and down in staggering movements, hitting different spots at multiple points.

My breathing quivered as I stared down at his bloody chest, the blood splattering onto my own chest and face as I kept thrusting the glass into the skin. His shirt was becoming tattered from the glass penetrating it, having nice ripping sounds to it. The skin underneath was torn to the point there was no skin left to see, just broken shards of the glass.

I finally stopped as I huffed, the glass being kept lodged into his chest.

I took a few deep breaths as I got up from his body, staggering for a few moments before getting a grip of myself. My body felt left of the stress it felt as I bent down to pick up the knife that slipped out of the male's hand.

I held the hilt tightly into my hands as I made my way over to the smaller male who lain on the ground.

I fought over myself as a smile laced into my mouth, sewing itself into my flesh. I gulped as I stared down at the body, kneeling down and bringing the knife up. I plunged it into his stomach, hearing groans of pain which brought its own music to my ears.

The knife moved at my will as I slit open his stomach. I dropped the knife to the side as my hand reached in, feeling it being engulfed in warmth. I then reached my other hand in, squeezing and grabbing at whatever I could before pulling, intestines and other organs fell from my grasp as I flung them to the ground.

I stared at my hands in astonishment as I stared at the red, a giggle ruffling up my throat as I stared at the beautiful color. I brought my hand to my mouth, my tongue darting out as I licked the metallic substance, a groan leaving my lips at the taste.

Then I froze.

Sirens were close.


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