The next day

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I woke up all startled when I heard a loud knock at my door.

"Rise an shine shuga!" I heard Ramona yell from the opposite side of the door. I groaned sitting up and stretching my arms as I yawned.
"Awh come on Ramona just a few more minuets" I whined
"Not a chance young lady now come on I'm making bacon n eggs!" She continued to tell threw my door.
"But I don't even like eggs." I yelled back
"Well maybe I might of just rustled you up some pancakes" she said as I heard her foot steps walk down the hall. As soon as I heard pancakes I shot out of bed and ran to my suitcase (which I still have yet to unpack) and picked out an outfit quickly (the one above) and quickly did my makeup. I slammed the door open hopping down the hall as I put my other heel on.
As I walked into the 'kitchen' I smiled at them all saying good morning, I sat down next to Wanda smiling and laughing as we just talked about are usual stuff. Ramona slapped down a stack of pancakes in front of me and I grinned like a Cheshire Cat, the sweet smell of the pancakes made there way to my nose and I sighed in delight before digging right in.
"Hey has anybody seen crybaby?" Ramona asked as she carried on cooking him some bacon
"Nope Not since the party" Milton said
"Last I saw him he was with that Alice girl" I said
"You mean Allison" Tommy said teasing
"Whatever" I said with a mouthful of pancakes
"Well maybe he decided to stay at her place." Belvedere said
Just thinking about crybaby and Allison sleeping in the same bed got me all angry but why? I mean I admit I may still have some feelings for crybaby but that doesn't mean I should be getting so worked up about it right? Just as if on que crybaby came strolling in with his hair all messed up and shirt all messed up. I swear to god if they went all the way!
"Hey crybaby!" Mona smiled
"Well it's about time mister" romana said "hey I'm making breakfast you want anything shuga?" She said
"Erh no thanks" he said running his hand threw his hair "hey dolly can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked looking rather guilty. Everyone turned and stared at me.
"Oh erm...sure" I shrugged standing up and leaving the table.
What does he want to tell me? He seems so nervous? Oh they better not have don't what I think they've done!

Soooo I'm sorry it's a short chapter but I'll update tomorrow with a better chapter but I'm so tired and my phones almost dead so yeno night xoxox

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