~Chapter Seventeen~

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"Well," Allen began, his eyes shifting to the side. "Your mom kind of called and we may have fucked up." "WHAT?"


"You left your phone-" "SO YOU DECIDED TO PICK UP THE CALL?" I didn't want to seem mad at them but it's been a long day and I'm not exactly a happy camper right now.

They flinched at my yelling but kept speaking, "You left your phone and someone named "Woman" called we didn't know who it was so we picked it up." "She then interrogated us." Matt added.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck

"What exactly did you tell her?" If they said some dumb thing I'm never going to hear the end of it from my mother.

Matt spoke up. "That you were at work and that we we're some of your college friends waiting for you."

I sighed in somewhat relief, at least they didn't say something like "Oh yeah your daughter ordered us online so we're living with her now." That sounds really shady.

"Okay, well, ugh, now what am I supposed to do?" I pick up the phone from the coffee table and sit down on the couch, slouching in the process.

"I guess I have to call her back, but at the same time I kind of don't want to." I knew the long discussion we would have if I did call her, not to mention if she told my father then I'm really screwed. I sighed in frustration and dialed her number and got up.

"You, sit." I pointed to Luciano and he surprisingly actually did what I asked.

"You two, shut up." They nodded and I walked away to the empty bedroom.


Anxiety crept up as I heard the eerie ringing noises throughout the phone.

"Hello?" I heard from the other line, immediately recognizing it as my mother's voice.

"Hi Woman." I used her nickname in my greeting, hoping she wouldn't attack me too soon.

"(Name)? Who were those boys that picked up your phone earlier?"

And she attacks.

I chuckle slightly knowing my mother all too well. "They're some friends from college, they were hanging out at my place until my shift was over." I used the story Matt told me and hoped that she would believe it.

"College huh? And why haven't you told me about these boys before (Name)?" She is all out attack mode right now.

The interrogation begins now.

"Well they're kind of new to school and I've just begun to be friends with them, so I didn't see the point in bringing them up in a normal conversation." I gave her a reasonable explanation so she should agree with it.

I could hear silence and knew that she was thinking over my story. "Send a picture of them I want to see them."

Wow, stalker much mom?

"Why? That sounds really creepy." I said, totally feeling weirded out.

"Well then I want to meet them. You're lucky I haven't told your father about this!"

Blackmail, how original.

"I can have friends, you can't stalk every single one of them mom."

"I knew letting you live by yourself was a bad idea, you better not become like the world (Name)!"

Ugh not this again.

"Okay mom I would really not like to talk about this right now so can I just talk to you tomorrow?"

"Okay, but tomorrow you're coming to dinner." "But-" before I could protest she hung up on me.

"God that woman is insufferable." I muttered underneath my breath.

I decided to walk back to the living room, seeing everyone the same way I left them. "How'd it go?" Allen asked.

"Really fucking horrible." I said with a tired voice.

Walking to the fridge I grabbed a coke and opened it. Slurping some of it in peace I took a moment of silence, however that silence was quickly broken by someone knocking on the door. My eyes shot wide and I rushed to door hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.


~~~A/N~~~Ayyy I said I'd get this chapter out quicker and it turn out I was right! So the whole thing with the name "Woman" is that in "Where the wild things are" the little boy says "Feed me woman!" and I thought that was so funny so I began to say that to my mom and now I just call her "Woman". So yeah. Sorry if the chapter is short but the story is just about to pick up, trust me. "This weatherman is predicting a 99.9% shit storm and it's coming right at ya!" See you in the next chapter luvs! X3

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