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My eyes shoot open from a dreamless night. I see that the sun is out and is shining through the window. I look to my side hoping to find the alien boy next to me.

But all there is, is empty sheets.

I look to my hand which is still stretched out to where we held hands. Alone. My hand is no longer cold. But I liked the cold. I like his cold.



What would your dad think?

I shake my head while sitting up in the bed. I see all of the things I had covering my face in the room are gone. The broken glass has been cleaned as well. I stand up and grab a sweatshirt to put on. I walk down the hall and in to he kitchen. I get out some cereal and pour it into a bowl. Tyler must be in the bathroom or something. Wait, does he use the bathroom?

I just shrug and finish my cereal. After a minute or two I get a little concerned. He hasn't even made a noise. I get up and walk around the house.

"Tyler?" I say loudly. All I get for a response is silence. I walk up stairs and go into his room. The bed is made and everything is cleaned. I smile a little but continue to look around.

I walk to the bathroom and see the door is shut. I knock gently on the door.

"Tyler are you in there?" I whisper. I get no response so I open the door. I see the bathroom is also empty but is messy just how I left it. I walk back down stairs again feeling worried.

"Tyler!" I yell. I start to run frantically around. I run down to the basement where I keep all my musical instruments but he is no where to be seen.

"TYLER!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Oh god please tell me no one has taken him. If I had been awake he would be okay. This is all my fault.

I run past the window and see someone in the corner of my eyes. I stop and back up. When I look through the glass I see Tyler sitting in the middle of my back yard. The grass is long and dead so it's a sickly yellow color. My house is in the middle of no where so there are literally no houses around for miles. Just fields of tall wheat to the right and a large forest to the left.

I sigh of relief and walk out the back door. He turns around when he hears me looking afraid but then calms down when he see's it's me. He smiles at me while running his fingers through the grass.

"Did you sleep well?" Tyler asks me. I nod. He pats the ground next to him. I walk over to the spot and sit down.

"Best I've slept in a while. Sorry I woke you up though, I get really bad dreams." I say rubbing the back of my neck. I glance over at Tyler's bare arms and look at his skin. It is a little bit more tan then me, but that isn't hard because I am very pale.

"Hey that's okay. If you ever have another bad dream you can wake me up." Tyler says with a large smile. I smile back at him but then a thought comes to mind.

"Tyler what are you going to do?" I ask. "Like what... How long will you be here?"

His smile fades away. He looks away from me and then down at his feet.

"Probably stay with you... Forever." Tyler says. "I don't want to go back."

"Why?" I ask.

"I told you Josh, they wouldn't let me come back and I need to explore!" Tyler says throwing his hands into the air.

"No, I know that." I say. "Why would you want to stay with me forever. I mean you could literally be a on a space ship but you're choosing to stay at my boring house in the middle of no where to live with mr. No one, who is me by the way, with his boring life."

A L I E N // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now