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"HELLO?" I hear a deep voice yell from down stairs. I sit up quickly from my bed and panic slightly. Who is in my house and how did they get here? I throw on a shirt and pants and run tip-toe down the hall. I see Tyler open up the door and peek his head out. I shake my head at him. I mouth the word 'stay' and he nods and shuts the door. I sigh of relief, I need to keep him safe at all costs. I proceed to walk slowly down the stairs. I realized I didn't grab a weapon to defend my self with so I just hope for the best. I peak my head around and see the person in my house. I sigh of relief at first but then I start to freak out.

"Brendon?" I say. He turns around and I can see he was taking a beer from my fridge. He smiles when he see's my face.

"Josh! Get your ass over here!" He says with a laugh. I smile, excited to see my best friend. I walk over and give him a hug. When I pull away from the hug I see him staring at the ceiling. He points at the drawings and I get anxious that he will judge me.

"This looks dope, this would piss off your dad so much." Brendon says with a smirk. "Sorry about that by the way."

"It's cool. It's nice to be living alone." I say rubbing my neck and ignoring the drawings.

"Sorry for letting myself in, the back door was unlocked." He says while sitting down and opening the beer. I sit across from him and stare at him. He has changed from the last time I saw him which was in 2008. He has cut his hair so it's only long on the top and short on the sides. He used have long sort of emo hair. He also is dressing more like himself, he was dressing like some weird hippie for a while. He is wearing a black button up and black skinny jeans. He looks a lot better than me in my sweat pants and t-shirt.

"It's all good, I thought you weren't coming for like another month though?" I say. He bites his lips and shrugs.

"I guess I just needed to see you." He says rubbing the backs of his hands.

"Is everything alright?" I ask him. That's when he starts crying. A lot. "Oh my god Brendon!"

"My life is falling apart!" He says. "I've already lost two band members and the last one I have is saying he wants to quit. And I mean I love the guy and I know I should I should just let him go but then I'll be alone! Plus my last album was sort of a flop! It's all a big mess!"

Brendon cries a lot and puts his head in his hands. I bite my lip, not really knowing what to do.

"Brendon, it'll be okay! You can keep going! You don't need those other guys! I know you are really good at music and you can play all the instruments! Just record all your albums by yourself! You'll do great! Plus the music will sound exactly how you want it to sound!" I say. He looks at me with hope in his eyes and smiles.

"You really think I can do it alone?" He asks.

"I know you can!" I say while nodding at him. He grins and wipes the tears away. That's when we hear a loud thump come from upstairs. I panic slightly and Brendon tilts his head, looking confused.

"What was that?" He asks.

"What?" I ask pretending I don't know.

"I'm not an idiot Josh you heard it." He says. That's when his eyes widen and his mouth falls open. "OH MY GOD DO YOU HAVE A GIRL UPSTAIRS?!"

"What?! I-"


"THERE IS NO GIRL BRENDON!" I yell. I mean I technically wasn't lying. He frowns.

"Sorry dude." He says.

A L I E N // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now