chapter 1

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A/n I don't own AOT. Oh and I'm lazy warning.

Ashley's pov

I ran through the forest of big ass trees. "Damn." I glance back only to see 20 titans. I growl under my breath as I increased my speed. My dark reddish brown hair following behind me as the light of day hits  my face. I glare at a dark figure laughing in the trees. I look forward to see the entrance/exit to the forest. I felt a small smirk start to curve on my pink lips. The figure jumped next to me and we shared an evil look. This figure is Ace, my jerk of a brother. We both run out into the light eyes closed. My eyes flutter back open as I remember the monsters chasing us. I nod as Ace glances at me. I run to the left as he runs to the right both of us having titans follow us. I run up the arm of one only to cut its nape with 2 swords. Before it hit the ground I was of to the next one. They all dropped after a few minutes. I sigh as I pull my long brown hair back into a ponytail with my bangs covering one eye. I look up to see a group of people on horses starring at me as my  brother dusts his self off as he stood next to me. My eyes narrowed at them as I cocked my hip. "Yo bro." I started "yeah sis?" He looked at me. "We have" I sigh. I felt my brother look at them than heard him groan. I role my eyes and turn around to head back into the forest dragging my brother with me by the back of his collar. " hey wait!" I turn to see who spoke. "You are skilled join us." Eyebrows spoke. "Help us save the humans" I laughed without thinking. They all stared at me confused. I soon composed myself again and just shook my head and walked into the forest. I felt all the glares burning me but i just ignored them and kept walking.

3rd pov

They survey corps just stared confused at the seen before them. 20 titans ran out of the forest right at them or so they though all of a sudden they split into 2 groups and they started to fall. But they couldn't see they cause so they rode closer only to be met be two people who looked 17 and 18. We watched as the girl dropped the titan easily. As she landed she put her long reddish brown hair into a ponytail with her bangs covering one eye. Everyone watched as she looked up her chocolate eyes burning holes in the commander. A boy landed beside her. She cocked her hip and spoke. "Yo bro."  She started "yeah sis?" He looked at her. "We have" she sighed. They felt the boy look at them but their gaze never left the girl than they heard him groan. she roles her eyes and turns around to head back into the forest dragging the boy with her by the back of his collar. " hey wait!" She turned. "You are skilled join us." the commander stated. " help us save the humans." She laughed as the others stared at her confused. They watched her compose herself than she just shook her head at left. Levi and some others glared daggers at her.

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