When after Yin help his Mother, Yin Look that he have new toy, and that more good then before.
Yin: "Huh? Who is this from? This is cool toys" *read the latter*
"To You, Yin"

Yin: "Huh? Who is this from? This is cool toys" *read the latter*"To You, Yin"

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Yin: "For me? But ... Who is give me this? I was so Happy!
Yang is hide behind the doors and Smile.
*End Flashback*

Yang: "How?"
Yin: "Well, I was thinking that our Parents didn't will give me this toys easily to me, and then I start think that You do this to me! But I'm still not sure, and then it was True?! Yeey~!"
Yang: "Haha, I still like your personal Cheers"
Yin: "Hehe, yeah..." *Hug Yang*
Yang: *Chuckle*

Yin and Yang is still walk around.
Yin: "Hei Yang? Remember when we had Babysitter and You make the Afraid of you?"
Yang: "Yes?"
Yin: "Well, you are so Naughty~! Hehe"
Yang: "Hei... Is not my Fault they had Babysitter to Caring us, and Father is want I to be bad, so... *Shrug* Just playing some Character"
Yin: "And why you always make me Cry, Yang?"
Yang: "I don't know about some stuff,Yin. I'm still Young and Didn't know what I am Doing there"
Yin: "I see"

Yin and Yang then Look at the Star.
Yin: "Woow~ this night is so pretty, the moon is looking bright and the sky is beautiful, You right Yang.... Night time is not that bad"
Yang: "Hehe, I told you"
Yin and Yang Grap hands together, Didn't know why... But they are feel too Sentimental to this and feel their heart hurtful. Maybe this was Their last night to be Together before they splitting.

Yin: "....well.... What we do in here now?"
Yang: "I don't know.... How if we tell about some our memories for last time tonight?"
Yin: "Is sounds fine to me! And is fun too"
Yang: "Okay... So? What we wanna talk?"
Yin: ".....Well.... Remember when Burrito hit you with Dodge ball and make you Unconscious?"
Yang: "Yeah, I still mad of them!"
Yin: "Hehe... I can't imagine how mad I am when they are hurt you"
Yang: "I hear that you hit them back, right?"
Yin: "Yeah... To Trophy.... But I really can't Control my Short-tempered"
Yang: "That maybe prove that you have some courage at you or maybe you are start act Like me"
Yin: "Yeah hehe.... Is are same like you... Because of You.... I know how to know the different of Be bad and Good, and then I not that be Happy insane or something like Test Tube and Fan said"
Yang: "And I was learn how to be Polite because of You, bro~"
Yin-Yang: "Hehehe Hmhmhm"

Yin: "Hei Yang.... Is like.... My Dream will be Come true?"
Yang: "You still thinking that?"

*Start Flashback*
When after Yin and Yang talk to Headmaster to what happen with Yin that in hurt Burrito, Trophy, and Gun. But Yang didn't tell that to Mr.Tablet.
Then Yang bring Yin back to the Healthy Room.
Yin: "....Yang.... Please.... Be stay with me.....and don't listen what people say to you...."
Yang: "Huh? What you mean?"
Yin: "I... I have nightmare...."
Yang: "Oh, Just tell"
Yin: "I dream.... That we Have many hates.... And then something make us Connected together, and then we do anything bad and worse after that..."
Yang: "Oh Yin~ you know that not will happen,right? We are arguing sometimes, but we not do that bad"
Yin: "I hope..."
Yang: "Hei.... How if I Teach you to not be Happy-insane or something? I can help you to change you"
Yin: "Okay, And I will Teach you how to be Polite and Nice"

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