~With the girls~

Maya's P.O.V:

I wake up to see that I'm in a dark room. For some reason, I can't move my arms, or legs. I'm sitting on something. I think I'm tied up to a chair. Luckily my mouth wasn't taped so I started screaming:"HELLO"(I know what most of you guys are thinking. Do not fucking type Adele's stupid ass retarded song. HAHAHA XD) I heard someone come in. The lights where turned and so my eyes started to hurt. Once my vision was able to be focused, I was turned to a person wearing all black and wearing a mask. I was pissed and didn't have time for this crap, so I just said: "Just take off the fucking mask off, so we can get this over with." I regretted saying those words. I couldn't believe who was in front of me.

Riley's P.O.V:

I am laying on the floor looking at what I hope is a ceiling. I try to get up, but I feel paralyzed. My whole left side of my body feels stuck. The lights were on, and I see a room that was similar to my room when I was younger, but more dirtier. Someone came in the room and forcing me up against the wall. They made it easier for me to take off the mask. I was able to get out of his grip because of how shocked I was. Oh my god.

Sarah's P.O.V

Where am I? I try looking for my phone to call for help, but I must've left it in the car. Shit! I walk around the room to try to see where I am. Then I hear a jump. I also jump, but in fear. Someone puts their hand over my mouth, and I bite it.(What you should always do. Well, my mom said if it's a guy, bite his hand and kick him where the sun don't shine, for babies. But big girls like us, you kick them right in the balls. And make sure it hurts. But if it's a girl, bite her hand, and pull her cheap ass weave to the ground. Have you guys heard that song? Cheap Ass Weave by Cardi B? The song is above. I couldn't find the clean version, but you gotta work with what you got!) His hand moves quickly away and he throws me on the floor. I hit shoulder first, and my arm starts dripping blood. He grabs me, and puts me face to face with him. I try with all the strength that I had and took off the mask. But before I could react, I was pushed right on to the floor. I eventually started seeing black once again....

Lauren's P.O.V:

Ugh! Not this crap again. Why is this always happening to me, first, it was my mom, then it was my ex boyfriend, Kyle, now this? I'm tied up to a chair. The lights were on as well so it was pretty clear to see where I was. Someone behind me started untying me. Once he was done, he knew that I was going to escape so he held on me tight. This didn't felt like Kyle, because even when he was kidnapping me, he still was gentle which makes no sense to me at all. I didn't have anyone in mind, considering the fact that both, my mom and Kyle were both in jail. But once I took off the mask, everything started coming into place.

Lucas's P.O.V:

When I answered the phone, a weird sound was made. I said 'hello' a couple of times before a voice came up. Then I heard Maya's voice. She sounded scared. I asked her if she was ok. Of course she gave me her nasty attitude(me to all the people I hate) saying "I'm being kidnapped." I asked her by who, but the phone got caught. 

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? The cowboy from Texas protecting his wife from the big city." The voice sounded very familiar, but I couldn't detect who's it was. "Where's Maya?" The guy over the phone chuckled. "Why should I tell you?" "Lucas! Your talking to Josh! He kidnapped me!" Maya screams. She was crying. I was confused. How could Josh kidnap Maya if Lauren was kidnapped as well. Then it came to me. "Josh?! How are you even alive?" "Your little bitch isn't yours anymore." Then the phone cut off. Joshua Matthews is alive. Joshua Matthews is alive. Joshua Matthews is alive.

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