The Part Where I Explain.

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Dear Diary.

Its been getting stronger; the urge to go and see the sun rise and feel the warmth against my skin is almost overpowering. I need to see whats out there. When It's dark, i can only see what the torches allow me to, their light only going so far, not half as far enough as my mind tends to wonder. School in the dark, shopping in the dark, barricaded windows and doors, blinds covering every centimetre of daylight.

 They call it harmony,

 I call it prison.

 We have to travel in groups, just in case we get lost, and you don't want to be getting lost outside when the Shadows come out.

 At least, thats what I'm told. When i was younger, people told me stories of their ancestors going missing during the night and never seen again. Some people say that when you get caught by a Shadow, you get turned into one of them, with no emotion but hatred towards the living; others believe they kill your body, but take your soul to make themselves stronger. The truth is, nobody really knows, because nobody is brave enough to willingly give themselves up to the Shadows. I can't say I blame them, but i have had enough of hiding. I need to see the vibrant colours of the day for myself, instead of hearing it through stories. I've been raised since birth in this way; only going out at night. I am also an orphan, I was left inside an empty house when i was born with nothing but a tag tied around my arm reading "We love you, we will see you one day" and my name scribbled messily  at the bottom, some parents .

 Everyone else seems to be completely content with living a half life, a life in darkness. We live and die this way, its been like that since anyone can remember. But no matter what happens, I need to know more, i need to see the light of the sun, and feel it against my skin. 

My name is Oscar Grady. I am 16 years old,  and tomorrow morning,

 I leave.

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