Chapter001: The Beginning Part1

Start from the beginning

Mao: *pissed* “What the hell! You better get out of this place or else!” 

Girl: “Or else what? You’re going to call my mother?” *with a teasing tone* 

Mao: *really pissed* “Grr…Sh*t kid what’s with you?! Don’t f*** with me!” 

Girl: *annoyed* “Hey watch your mouth mister! Don’t your parents ever teach you how to talk to a lady?” 

Mao: *smirk* “Heh...I don’t see any lady in here, just a spoiled brat without even a bit of femininity in her body.” *laughs* 

Girl: *pissed*…how dare you say that to me. *the place was suddenly covered by a dark aura*

(The girl stands up and surprisingly she had a manly strength and throws the bench to Mao.)

Mao: Waaaaahhh!! Argh…*got hit by the bench* 

Girl: There! Go eat your precious bench so no one will be able to sit on it again! 

(The girl left angrily and Mao was a bit injured by the bench) 

Mao: *stands up* “ahh...” *he touched his head* “huh, it’s wet…” *he looked at his palm* “OH MY GOD! I’m bleeding!! That kid, she’s gonna pay for this!”

(After mumbling about his hatred for the girl, he heard a loud scream coming from where the girl headed just a while ago. Mao runs to where the girl went. When he came, the girl was going to be attacked by a wild animal, a wild dog to be exact. So without thinking, he called the attention of the wild dog towards him so that the girl can escape.)

Mao: “Hey! Hey! Over here you freakin’ animal! What ‘ya doin’ attacking a little girl? You gay or something?!”

(The wild dog was pissed off like he really understands what Mao just said and angrily attacked him…Luckily he dodge the first attack…)

Mao: “Heh…that’s all you got?? Come on! Bring it!!” *with a teasing tone* 

Girl: “Idiot!! You’re just making him more angry!!“ 

Mao: “Huh, what are you still doing in here? Get out of here already! This is not a movie to watch y’know!” 

Girl: “Wha--no I won’t leave you!” 

Mao: “What the hell are you talking about?! Escape now!” 

Girl: “NO!” 

Mao: “Stupid kid!” 

Girl: “Look behind you!!” 

Mao: “Waaahhh!” *got hit*

(The second attack successfully injured Mao’s left hand.)

Girl: *ran towards Mao* “mister!” 

Mao: *struggling* “Argh…No! Don’t move, just stay where you are!“

(Mao quickly looked around and he found a sharp piece of wood near him…As the wild dog tried to attack again, he pierced the sharp wood right to the heart of the wild animal and it died immediately.)

Girl: “Mister are you alright?! We should take you to the hospital!” *worried* 

Mao: “No, I’m fine. Go home now…” 

Girl: “No, please at least let me take care of your wounds as a sign of my thanks for saving my life.” *really worried* 

Mao: “Heh…I didn’t do that for you, I just don’t want this place to be exposed and be investigated by the people when you get murdered here.” 

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