The streetlights flickered as he passed one of his biggest graffitis, running for his life. The adrenaline pumped through his veins and enabled him to still sprint at that speed after 15 long, nerve-wracking minutes, but he knew that his stamina wouldn't endure much more running. He had to hide.

"Where the fuck is he? I'm going to kill that cunt for thinking he could run away!" He could barely suppress his urge to curse -well, the boss himself was searching for him- and instead tried to quietly slip into a grocery store - or somewhere else with a lot of people. They're going to find him at this rate and it wouldn't end without severe injuries, he had been a part of them long enough to know that. But he also knew that if he wouldn't escape now, he never will. He turned around the corner-

And bumped into a bulky chest. His eyes shot up in horror to see Kyung out of all people towering above him, his thick arms bulging beneath his tight sweatshirt.
Kyung was bad, really bad news, because Kyung was goddamn loyal. Hanbin even knew that he probably was going to be beat up by him, he had been by his partner in those errands for a year and it always had been the ones he hated the most. Well, Kyung always had done the most part; Hanbin only got the information if needed.

Suddenly, he remembered how Kyung had gently pushed him aside at their first beating and how he had taken over the brutal work, leaving without a word after he finished the guy. Hanbin knew that Kyung had killed people like that, he himself once or twice was responsible for it - the echo of the gunshots still kept visiting him in his nightmares. "Shit-!" Hanbin turned around to run away as a big hand roughly grabbed his shoulder and surprisingly pulled him back behind the corner. His confusion must have clearly showed on his face, because Kyung showed him a small, reassuring smile - something he had never seen from Kyung. "It's okay, I'm not going to let them catch you."

"Don't fuck with me, you're the most damn loyal dog of them-" Kyung shushed him and pressed his big hand over Hanbin's mouth. "Just run in the opposite direction. There's a C-shop. Boss would never think that you'd go there. Try not to get caught by other gangs there, they know your face. But it's unlikely that they're getting stuff right now, so hurry up already!" He removed his hand from Hanbin's mouth, just to be asked the obvious. "Why?" Knowing they didn't have any time left, Kyung sighed and tried to shortly summarize his reasons.

He had always felt a strong brotherly affection towards Hanbin, especially on the beating errands. It almost had killed him as he had to quietly stand by Hanbin and let him go through the pain of shooting somebody, the quiet sobs coming out of Hanbin's room that night letting him tense up in emotional pain. Kyung knew he was in too deep and so he didn't even try to save himself anymore, but Hanbin was a different story, a young, untouched jewel Kyung was certain would become a diamond - and maybe he also reminded him a bit of his dead brother, but that was another story not to be told. "You know, some people should live proper lives."

With those words, he shushed Hanbin again and pushed him towards the direction of the C-shop. And even though Hanbin should already be running, he couldn't help himself and pull the giant in for a short, meaningful hug. "Thank you, Kyung." He then finally ran down the alley, determined not be caught at all costs. Kyung tried to suppress the few tears that rested in his eyes, looking after Hanbin and shouting to his group that he saw him running away into the opposite direction of the C-shop.

Hanbin stood in front of an enormous institute, still not being able to believe how he ended up here. It was a white, old fashioned building with some modern touches that just seemed too cheesy for Hanbin - he didn't have the patience to nurse rich, crazy assholes. But it was a step towards his new, peaceful life he wanted so badly, so he'd put up with it and try to get a good job, a house, meet someone... His mind trailed off until the guy who had to drop him off here slightly pushed his shoulder. "Hey, please hurry up a bit, will you? I really hate this place." Instead of asking why, Hanbin just nodded and told him that he'd find the way in by himself. That guy's name tag read Jinhwan and he just looked worriedly at the building in front of him, fighting with his responsibilities and what he wanted to do. Eventually, he decided for the latter.

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