Starting Over

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*a few months later*

It's been a few weeks since I've written in this notebook that Anne gave me.
It's been a little less crazy since the weird hangover birthday party thing.

Gemma is due in less than a month. They know what gender the baby is, but they won't tell us.
Chris got a steady job at a construction company in London. He's really changing. I think the whole I'm going to be a dad thing finally hit him. He's saving money, not drinking, and actually being kind of nice. Gemma told me he promised that this baby will have a good life and that he will do whatever it takes.

Anne has been on a trip for the past two weeks. She went to the Caribbean Islands with an old college friend of hers.
I'm glad she's having fun again. She hasn't done much for herself since the accident. And Robin has been on business trips since the accident. They don't really have the kind of marriage where you're always with eachother and lovey dovey. They are almost like close friends who just see each other every now and then. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

Harry still has no idea what's going on.
I've given up on trying to make him remember me. I just want him to be happy. We've changed our status. We're now dating I guess. It's almost like starting over. It's really hard honestly. I'm in love with someone who forgot about me. I mean not willingly, but still.
The lads haven't really been in touch with Harry for a while now. They've tried to reach out, but it's just too hard. They have to move on with their lives.


Harry has been sick of me tagging along with him. I don't want him to get lost or something.
He asked me today if he could just walk to the café that's literally like a few blocks away. I let him. But I made him call me when he got there and when he left.

"You'll never guess what happened." Harry said as he opened the front door and took his shoes off.

"What happened Harry?" I asked as I was flipping through channels on the tv.

"A bunch of girls came up to me and were freaking out and taking pictures with me. It was pretty legit." He said as he sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

"Harry, it's because you're famous, remember? Harry Styles from One Direction." I raised my eyebrow to him.

"Oh. Right. I forgot." He sounded a little disappointed. It was kind of funny that he thought a bunch of random girls came over to him cause they thought he was "hot" or something. Made me laugh.

"Oh Harry." I said as I leaned into his chest. He wrapped his other arm around me also making it hard for me to move. He kissed the top of my head and I began to feel sleepy. I felt everything going dark. I could feel Harrys hot breath as he pulled away from his soft kiss.

"I love you Harper." I heard as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


When I awoke my back was stiff and my right foot was numb. Harry and I had fallen asleep on the couch. My foot was in an awkward position for some reason. I tried to move it and the pins and needles started to kick in.
Harry felt my movements and woke up. He groaned as he didn't want to wake up.

"Good morning my king." I said softly as I laid a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning queen." He said with his eyes still closed.
He pulled me closer and wrapped his whole body around mine. Somehow he ended up being on top of me. I was laying flat on my back and Harry snuggled up on me. His head rested on my chest. I played with his mid length hair. It was soft and smelled like heaven. I could feel a smile spread on his face.
I was so in love with this man.
He pushed himself up off of my chest and brought his face up to mine.

"Harper..." He said as his eyes locked with mine.

"Yes Harry..." I said softly as I felt short of breath. The effect this guy has on me is crazy.

"I love you." He said very sincerely. He had one hand by my side holding his weight. His other hand made its way to my face. He rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

"I love you too." I barely got out as his lips pressed against mine.

Before I could catch my breath his shirt was fully removed. I don't know how he got it off so fast.
His hands made their way to my shirt, but he didn't remove it. Instead he kind of pulled away and just sat up, still on top of me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I could see his face almost turn pale.

"I...I remembered." He said looking very shocked.

I was at a loss for words, but somehow I still got a few sentences out.

"What. What did you... you.. remember?!"

"My mum." He said as you could see his eyes going crazy. He looked as if he was watching a scary movie or something.

"Your mum? What do you remember about her?" I said softly not trying to freak him out.

"I..I don't know. I just saw her...and me..."

He just sat there for a while. I tried not to move much. I was anxiously waiting for him to remember more. Remember me.

It was weird that a memory of his mum occurred to him as we were about to...well you know.
The thought of this made me giggle and I regained Harrys attention.

"What? What's so funny?!" He said with a smile on his face.

"Nothing love." I said as I laughed more.

"What was it!!!" Harry demanded as he began to tickle my sides causing me to laugh even more.
My shirt made it up over my head as Harry began to tickle me more and more.
I literally almost peed.
Harry finally stopped and he layed his head back onto my chest. I caught my breath and began to trace my fingers on his back, following the outline of his muscles.

I let out a breath as Harry kissed the left side of my chest near my shoulder.
He made me feel amazing.
Like a flower blooming for the first time.

I liked starting over with someone I had been in love with for such a long time.


Yay another chapter!! Thoughts so far? Vote please!!

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