Surprise, Surprise...

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"I wished that I would remember everything about you."

Harry kept his eyes locked on mine. I felt like I couldn't even blink. The effect he had on me was crazy. He was in total control of me.

"Harry?" Anne stated as she tapped his shoulder trying to get him out of his gaze.

"Im kind of busy right now. All of you dig in, we'll be right back." Harry said as he got up, grabbed my hand, and took me to the guest room.

He closed the door behind us.

"I'm couldn't stand it any longer." He said as he pressed me up against the door and pressed his lips against mine.
It wasn't like any of our other kisses. This one was hard. Had a following intention.

"Harry stop." I said as our lips barely disconnected.

"What's wrong my queen?" Harry said as he took a step back, not removing his hands from my waist.

"We can't." I said as I looked down to the ground.

"Can't what?" He said with a smirk.

"Um...well..we were going to...uh..." I said not really knowing what was actually going to happen. Maybe he did just want to kiss and had no other intentions.

Harry looked into my eyes.

"Oh, you thought..oh..No, no way Anne and my "friends" are out there." Harry said as he looked disgusted at the thought.

"Oh good." I let out a sigh of relief.

We both began to laugh at the thought.

"I just wanted to kiss you princess....your lips looked so kissable when I told you my wish." He leaned in a tucked some hair behind my ear with his one hand, leaving the other resting on my hip.
He leaned in again. Our lips were almost touching.
His lips barley touched mine as he said "I love you my queen."
Then he backed away, his hands releasing from my face and body.
When he let go the want for more was almost unbearable.
I never wanted him to stop.

It wasn't like it used to be though. This felt so foreign to me. He didn't feel like my fiancé at all. This love was different.


We made our way back to the party. Everyone was eating cake and having conversation. This wasn't like most parties that I have been to. Probably cause Harrys mum was there.
I hadn't seen Gemma yet. I wasn't even sure if she was coming.
I wonder if she told Anne yet about the eloping and the baby?

The party began dying down. Anne said her goodnights and goodbyes and headed to bed.

That's when the really party began.

People went out to their cars and returned with tons of alcohol.
If Anne only knew what was about to happen she never would've left.
The music got turned up and so did the crowd. Everyone was singing, dancing, and drinking.

The front door opened and in came Gemma and Chris with a few friends.
I ran over to them.

"Party's here!" Gemma said as she welcomed me with opened arms. I hugged her tightly. "Someone obviously missed me?" She added.

"You have no idea how much." I said releasing from the hug.

"Where's my brother? He hasn't passed out yet has he?" Gem said sounding a little tipsy.

"Have you been drinking?!" I said concerningly.

"What no I'm a pregnant woman. We aren't supposed to be drinking." She said as she clumsily waddled right past me.

"Gemma!" I said as I grabbed her and swung her around so that she faced me.

"Im taking you to the guest room. You're drunk." I moved her towards the room. She tried to resist, but she was wasted.

"Let me go to my brother!" She said as I layed her down on "my" bed.
She was practically asleep by the time I pulled the covers over her.
Now I had to find Chris and beat the life out of him for getting her to elope, getting her pregnant, and letting her get drunk.

I pushed through the drunk crowd and eventually found Chris. Some girl was all up on him. I shook my head and walked over to him. I managed to push the girl off of him and pushed him to the ground. He was so drunk that even I could make him fall, and he's not a small dude. He's like 6'2" and really buff. I mean I could see why Gem likes him so much, but then you get to know him.
It took everything in me not to stab him with a fork. I was furious.

"I can't believe you let Gem get drunk!" I snapped at Chris.

"I can't believe you just pushed me!" Christ said with a drunk tone.

"You're lucky I didn't do more." I looked over to some forks that were on the counter.

Before I knew it Anne was next to me.

"What's going on here!" She screamed over the music.

"Anne I can explain." I talked loudly.

"You better!" She walked over to the source of the music and turned it off.

"Everybody get out of my house now!" Anne yelled.

Everyone was gone before I knew it. It was now just me, Chris, Gem, and Anne.

"Where's Harry?!" I started to panic.
I couldn't see him anywhere. What if he left? What if he's hurt somewhere?
I frantically looked around the house. Calling his name. I checked every room. I even went outside and he was no where to be found.
I ran back into the house and tried to catch my breath. Anne was trying to get information out of Chris. I heard her ask where Gemma was.

"I know where she is Anne, but there's something you should know." I said calmly.

"What is it?" Anne said worriedly.

"Chris and Gem eloped."

"They did what?!" Anne said with a harsh tone.

"And Gemma's pregnant." I said really fast.

"I'm going to kill you Chris!" Anne walked over to him and slapped his cheek.

I hurried over to Anne and tried to calm her down. I had her sit on the couch. You could see her trying to accept the fact that Gem was now married and pregnant. She looked so worried, sad, angry, and confused all at the same time.

"Everything's going to be okay Anne. I'm here for you." I whispered.
I don't even know why I was whispering.

Chris was now passed out on the floor, Gemma was passed out on my bed, and Harry was nowhere to be found.
I decided to worry about all of that later. Right now Anne needed me. It's like we've changed rolls.

I've always needed her and now she needs me.


Where's Harry?! 😂
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