Separate Ways

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I fell asleep in my car waiting for someone to stop by and help me. I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my window. Thank God I thought to myself.
When I saw who it was I was shocked. I rolled down my window.

"Dr. Roberts?" I said very confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a worried expression.

"Were you following me?!" I raised my voice at him.

"You drove off very upset. I was worried something would happen!?"

"What like I'd get into a car accident and lose my memory and not remember who anyone is?" I said very emotionally and pained. That's what has happened to Harry and it's really killing me inside

"Get out of your car." Dr. Roberts strongly suggested.

"No!" I said as tears were falling down my face and I began to unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car.
I was so emotional that even though I said no I still got out.

Dr. Roberts embraced me in a hug on the side of the road.
All of the emotions I have been trying to hold in came out. He held me tightly. I hugged him as if he was Harry.
His hands started to slide up my back to my neck. He then pulled away from the hug and placed his hands on my cheeks.
He slowly leaned in. Before I knew it our lips were touching. I didn't pull away. I craved Harry so badly that I just let this guy kiss me so I could feel something real. I didn't kiss back. I just let him kiss me.
After a few moments he pulled off and I just stood there looking blankly at his chest with my mouth open.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

I paused for a moment before speaking.

"No. No not at all. My mother died when I was 3, my father neglected me, the only person that loved me-my aunt died, I'm struggling to get a job, my fiancé is in the hospital, he doesn't even remember me, and his doctor just kissed me. Does it sound like everything's okay?" I let everything out.

"I'm so sorry." Dr. Roberts began to pull me in again for another hug.
I pushed him off.

"Get away from me. I'm engaged. Seriously leave me alone." I used my hands alot when I said this. Pretty much shoving him away.

I got in my car again. I slammed the door and drove off. I drove back to the hospital as fast as I possibly could.
I ran into Harrys room. He was asleep. Gemma was at his side. She looked at me with a relieved expression.

"Harper. You came back!" Gemma got up and hugged me. She then continued what she was saying. "I know this is really hard, but we'll get through this. Together. I promise." She released from the hug.

"Dr. Roberts kissed me." I said quietly.

"He WHAT?" Gemma said shockingly.

"Well, first he followed me after I left the hospital. I ran out of gas and pulled over, then next thing I know he's there knocking on my window tells me to come out, which I do, and then he hugs and kisses me. Then I told him off and drove away. But I was out of gas so I don't get it." I explained.

"I'm going to kill him....He had to have put gas in your car." Gemma said and then paused for a moment. "Did you kiss him back?" She said softly.

"Of course not!" I raised my voice.

"Shhh. Harrys asleep. I just needed to know. People do stupid things when they're emotional and such." Gem said calmly.

We didn't say anything else after that. We just sat down next to Harry and eventually dosed off.


I woke up feeling sorry about the kiss. But why was I sorry? Dr. Roberts should've never done that. And I didn't even kiss him back.
There was still guilt inside of me. I couldn't explain it. I did nothing wrong. Was I upset because I didn't push him off right away?
The thought of the kiss lingured in my head. I thought about how soft his lips were, how passionate he was, how he pulled me tight.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I focused my gaze on Harry. I smiled when I looked at him. He was so cute when he was asleep. His lips were partially parted, his eyes were lightly closed, his face was glowing, and his expression was mesmerizing.
I wanted him to hold me, to keep me safe. I just wanted him to love me. To remember our connection. To want my love, my passion, my obsession with him.

Gemma was still asleep. I got up and walked to the bathroom across the hall. I saw Dr. Roberts walking towards me. I walked faster. Almost a jog and got to the ladies room as fast as I could. I put my back to the door, holding it shut firmly. I didn't want to see his face. He made everything worse.

I think I was falling for him. But I didn't love him like I loved Harry. Like I love* Harry.
I only liked Dr. Roberts because he was showing me affection. Loving me for who I was and wanting to be with me all the time. It was something I hadn't felt in months.
After regaining my stature and poise I walked out of the bathroom. Completely ignoring Dr. Roberts who was waiting for me. He said something but I didn't even bother to listen. Then something he said caught my attention. Harry. I turned and looked right into his big eyes.

"What about Harry?" I snapped.

"They're releasing him this afternoon."

"What? They can't so that! He doesn't know who he is?" I said with a loud voice.

"They have no reason to keep him. He's perfectly healthy." He said as if we didn't even know eachother. He said it like he was just Harrys doctor, not the man that just kissed me.

My mouth hung open. I didn't know what to say. I tried to speak, but no words left my lips.

"I know it's hard, but you have to move on. He'll be put into his mother's care."

Once again words didn't come from my mouth. Just short breaths.

"We phoned Mrs. Styles. She'll be here soon to collect him." He said as if Harry was an item from a video game that you get points for.

I ran to Harrys room. I shook Gemma awake and told her what just happened. She was just as shocked as I was.

We waited for Anne to arrive. She came with tears in her eyes. She didn't say anything to us. She just woke Harry up and told him what was going to happen. He didn't understand, but he went along with it.

Anne then told Gem and I that we shouldnt come to England for a few weeks so that she can try to adjust him to everything. We didn't agree with the plan but went along with it anyway.

Gemma was to stay with her boyfriend in LA and I was going to stay in NY in my apartment, all alone.

We made sure that the Styles got on the plane with no complications and then Gemma and I went our separate ways.

Yay another chapter!! Vote!!

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