~38~ The Storm und Drang of Someone's Sister

Start from the beginning

"You don't get to make those choices for her asshole! I do, not you! She's my sister, not your pet project till you blow away." Her eye twitching is now in overdrive as the rage takes over. "So in the grand scheme of things your opinion means nothing. So get it through that freaky flocking head of yours! I'm plan A and you're less than plan B. So you might think about that for a second before you say your next stupid thing."

"Like what it might mean for someone like my sister, to have to use crutches or a wheelchair?" Someone's Sister keeps snapping off psychotically. "So when you know there is a problem that requires actual medical attention? You come flocking find me so that I can deal with it. She's my sister, not yours! Not anything of yours...you freaky fucking asshole!"

I can see the lighting in April's eyes now, and I realize that I was wrong about her. She's not just petulance incarnate, she's scared shitless and in a near frenzy. She doesn't know how to deal with things that are outside of her mindset, and more importantly her control. This is how April deals with her fear, she loses herself in a shit-fit of rage. It's no wonder we can barely tolerate each other, because in this way ...she and I are exactly alike.  

"You need to get over yourself little chicklit, cause ain't nothing is up to either one of us. It's all up to May." I snarl back way harder than she was prepared for.

"What? You didn't actually think that what I did to quick fix her was plan A, did you? Sorry to disappoint, but as soon as I knew she was hurt, I practically begged May to go see the nurse. But she refused, saying not till after lunch was over. After everyone was gone, so she didn't embarrass you with her problems. So that's exactly what was going to happen, because that's what May wanted, not me."  

"That was of course until you showed up for 'sister time' and just took over. Remind me again what was it you said? Oh right ...'Don't interfere?' Cause God forbid anything ever interferes with your popular little life. "I shake my head slowly, never unlocking our glaring stare.

"After all, who am I to question your lack of understanding of anything, right? And FYI, that was what I was trying to tell you before you cut me off ...that she needed to the nurses. But as usual, you already knew everything you needed to know, to enforce your self-centered demands on her life. I just hope that frog march you forced her on to the secret sister talking time didn't add to the damage. You know ...the one where you almost broke her face on the stairs?"

"Yeah, I watched you with Mrs. Saint C, stupid. I just hope that like you didn't cause a bone splinter to break off while you force-marched her on an already injured leg. You flocking self-absorbed dumbass?" I start to mock her hard in the language of the Cheerio. 

"See my Plan B was to not have her walk anywhere on like a possible greenstick fracture. But to carry her back her to Nurses Office. You know ...like so that she didn't put any weight on the leg until a professional could like take a look at it. Like they taught me to do at the Red Cross for my First Aide cert by actual trauma doctors? Which like I would have done immediately if it were up to me...but like it was not? So like instead I got to sit there and like watch her force herself to bear the pain and bleed into her blazing socks."

"Cause in case you missed this nuance, she hates being the center of attention, unlike someone." I wave up and down at her triangle troop slut suit. "All so she doesn't embarrass your so-called life in front of your pop peeps, as poor Apeshit's blind batgirl sister? Who can't seem to figure out how to avoid the new furniture. The furniture that flocking idiot Chins keeps put in her way, after being asked to remove it the last time this happened."

"So hells yeah Apeshit!" I rage in on her hard. "Let's come down here to give me a flocking fun time, after the fact! You know, instead of using all that uber bitch power of yours to address the ongoing issue of Chins redecorating the Keller house Fung Shui style. Cause won't that be flocking funny, right? Which is most definitely not."

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