100 Pick Up Lines

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Hello! Is it your first time here?

Well then, I must say welcome to 100 Pick Up Lines, which is written by this unknown author whom you just come across. 

So first of all, I'm gonna ask you some questions.

Yes! You. I'm gonna ask YOU some questions.

Lost for words?

Need a new compliment to say?

Trying to impress someone or trying to make someone like you?

Have nothing to say?

Well, here are the Best of Pick Up Lines from 2017-2019 that you can say to the person you like.

Just find the right pick up line, and you'll know what to say to them, him, or her.

Author's Note

This book, 100 Pick Up Lines, was published at least a year or two ago, and was deleted last year. 

I'm very sorry for that.

But, here it is again! It's back with pick up lines that is not pick randomly by myself... I guess?

I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy creating and picking out the pick up lines for it. And, maybe, you could use the pick up lines in your own story or in real life. That's up to you!

Reminder: The pick up lines can be tagalog or english. If you need to translate a pick up line, just comment or message me. Also, if you want to suggest or add a pick up line of your own in this book, comment or message me. Of course, it will depend on me if I'll be putting it or not. And, don't worry! I'll credit it to you. 😊

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