Angel of death

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Jiyeon entered myungsoo's room. She was very worried. When she got the call from jaejoong she immediately drove to myungsoo's place.

" you're here..." Said jaejoong looking up. Jiyeon looked worried. Her eyes were red and puffy. It was obvious she cried.

"What happened?" She immediately kneeled down next to myungsoo. He was laying on his bed. He looked bruised. "Did you guys fight? He looks beat up! What happened?!"

" what happened?" Jaejoong repeated again. "Z happened."he said. Jiyeon stood up.

"Why?" She said. "What did myungsoo do to deserve this."

" he went against Z's orders. For you." Jaejoong said. "That's why he almost got killed."

All of a sudden anger rushed through jiyeon's body. "AND YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO STOP IT! DID YOU JUST WATCH!?" She felt the need to slap him but didn't. " you really are a heartless idiot!"

" what do you mean I-I-I was the one that-" jaejoong stopped. He didn't want to fight with jiyeon. Not now.

" you what?!" Jiyeon yelled.

"Forget it." Jaejoong said. " I'm going out." He walked out of the room mad. Jiyeon heard the front door open and then slam shut. She was panting. She felt tears accumulate in her eyes. A couple slid down her cheeks. She wiped them off. She turned around to look at myungsoo. He was sitting on the bed now. His eyes opened, staring at jiyeon. She couldn't read his expression.

" you're very stubborn." Said myungsoo. Jiyeon immediately threw herself at him. Giving him the tightest hug in the history of hugs. Myungsoo winced in pain. He wasn't 100% alright yet. His body was healing itself slowly.

"Sorry." Jiyeon got off him. "You wouldn't be like this if you had just done what Z want it." She went on. "Or if jaejoong would have done something about it."

" you're wrong." Myungsoo said. " he was the one that saved my life."

Jiyeon felt guilty now. She treated jaejoong really badly. She felt awful. "You heard what I told jaejoong?"

" yeah.." Myungsoo said. " he also took the job for me.."

" he did?" Jiyeon felt awful. " he took the job so you wouldn't get hurt?"

Myungsoo nodded. " I read his thoughts. He felt bad because you treated him like that. It hurt him more because it came from you...the girl he likes." Jiyeon felt speechless. She needed to apologize to him. But another day. Today she needed to take care of myungsoo. She ignored the guilt flowing in her and looked at myungsoo.

"So how are you doing?" She asked myungsoo.

" I'll be fine in a couple of hours..." Said myungsoo. It was true. Since he was an angel any injury could be cure. Unless you killed him at once, of course.


Jaejoong rode his motorcycle at full speed. He had a bunch of mixed emotions. He didn't want to take the job...but now it's too late.

He speed up and skipped a red light, causing a bit of ruckus in the street.

His thoughts went back to what happened back in myungsoo's office.

" Stop!" He yelled. Z was going to kill myungsoo and jaejoong was going to witness it all. He didn't want his best friend to die.

" I'll do it!" Jaejoong screamed. Z stopped for a second and stood up. A smirk in his face. " you'll do it?" He asked again.

" Yes!" Jaejoong said. "I'll do it..I'll take the job. But you have to let go of myungsoo."

" alright then." Z said. He told Hungyeon to let jaejoong go. He did. Then they disappeared. Jaejoong ran to myungsoo and helped him.

Jaejoong took a turn. It was getting dark and the streets were now almost empty.

He wished he wasn't what he is. His job... He hated himself for it.

A letter. It all started with a letter. Z would send you that letter. Once you opened it, you knew who your victim was. It was usually a young female. They were always pure, innocent or just nice. Girls that were happy and young. Or just young.

Once The angels of darkness knew their victim they would become closer with her. They would become friends then lovers....the angels of darkness would influence them- the bad way of course. They would destroy her life. Take away everything and anything that would make them happy. Until...she's completely devastated. That's when it happens. They kill her. They take her soul...and give it to Z.

That's their job. Another word for angels of darkness? Angels of death.

The reason why the job was dangerous? Guardian angels...

They are sent from god to protect people. Most people in the world have one. They influence people on good things. Take care of them and never leave their side. For the people that don't have one...that's a problem.

Guardian angels are quite powerful they can make an angel of darkness weak. If they discover that you are an angel of darkness they try to protect the girl even more and in the process get rid of you.

Dark angels get killed everyday because of guardian angels. But it can also be the other way around. A dark angel could kill a guardian angel, of course. They burned them and send them to hell. It's sad but it's reality.

Jaejoong felt frustrated. Only one way he could get better....he headed to a club to pick up a victim.

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