My job

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Jiyeon felt tense. She just stared at the letter.

Jaejoong read jiyeon's mind. He frowned. Her thoughts were negative. He stopped texting and looked at jiyeon. Her eyes were watery. He followed her gaze and his eyes landed on the black envelope. He grabbed it. Looking at it.

" Are you-" jiyeon stopped. " are you going to do it?" A tear.

Myungsoo didn't look at her.

" are you?!" She said a bit loud. Another tear.

" What's the big deal?" Said jaejoong. He didn't look at the letter. It wasn't his business. He tossed it on the coffe table. Getting back to his phone.

jiyeon was now a bit mad. " what's the big deal?!" She said. " are you seriously asking that?!"

" The reason why this isn't a big deal is because this is his job." Said jaejoong. " he kills.."

jiyeon rolled her eyes at jaejoong. " myungsoo oppa. Don't do it." Said jiyeon. " I don't want you to." She was holding back her tears.

" what if I want to?" Said myungsoo. He was lying. Jiyeon was surprised. Jaejoong smiled reading his thoughts. Sending him a mental message. liar....

Myungsoo ignored him.

" Why ?" Asked jiyeon.

" I don't know..." He simply said. " all I know is that this is my job. And that I have to do it."

jiyeon was mad. She grabbed the letter. Opening it. She didn't read it. She just looked at the picture. The girl was gorgeous. Made her even more angry! She threw the letter at the floor.

" She's not that pretty!" She said, standing up. Jaejoong read her thoughts.

" Jealousy is getting to you." Said jaejoong. Using dark magic jaejoong made the letter elevate and move to his hands. He then lit it on fire. Making the letter slowly disappear in his palm. Dark magic....the things it can make you do....

myungsoo sat at his desk. Turning around so that he was now facing a very open view of Seoul. Jaejoong walked over to his desk sending him a mental message.

just because I destroyed the doesn't mean I've destroyed the message. Z will come personally and talk to you. You know that. Good luck....

Jaejoong then looked at jiyeon who was looking at the floor. He then flashed out just like Hungyeon did. Leaving black smoke and a bad aura were he once stood. Myungsoo and jiyeon were now left alone.

Jiyeon walked over to myungsoo's desk. He wasn't facing her but she was still going to speak.

" Don't do it." She said. " promise me you won't do it." Myungsoo turned around. She looked angry and serious.

" I've done this millions of times before...why can't I do it now? What's so different now?" Said myungsoo waiting for jiyeon to answer or walk away.

" Because this time I know about it." She said. It had been 6 months since myungsoo and jaejoong had told her about their dark secret. She didn't believe them. But they proved it.

" Should I have not told you about my secret." Said myungsoo. " I have the ability to erase your mind if you'd like?"

" How are you okay with this?!" She yelled. " why did you do it?!"

" Be okay with what?!" Yelled myungsoo. He was frustrated. " why did I do what?! Tell me! Tell me!" He pounded on the desk.

" Why are you okay with being like this!?" She yelled. " do you not regret doing what you did?! You idiot."

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