The Last Chapter

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The man that had been supplying the doctor with drugs turned out to be working for the Phantom Brigade member that Kurapika had been pursuing. Like a coward he gave out all the information that Kurapika needed to find the member.

The hunter association was called and it turns out that Doctor Harold Smith had a bounty over his head. Killua and Gon were rewarded for their efforts in finding and apprehending the doctor. After everything had cooled down and the questioning ended, the boys were allowed to go home.

"Hey Gon, Killua, I'm going to head out."

"Already?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, the longer I wait the harder it will be to find him with the new information I've got."

"Oh," Gon sighed. "Well it was nice to see you again. Catching bad guys just like old times." Kurapika nodded and bid them farewell. Gon and Killua waved goodbye and he was gone.

A few people had come by the hospital to see what all the commotion was about but past the hospital the streets were empty, seeing as it was one in the morning. The night air seemed a bit cooler now and the moon shone a bit brighter. A few stars poked through the blanket of darkness and sparkled in the sky.

The two boys walked back to the apartment together in companionable silence. They were side by side, hands touching, but not quite holding. Relief and confidence were obvious in the way they walked. Neither of them really felt tired as adrenaline still flooded their systems so they were taking the long way home to cool down.

Gon felt like he would never cool down. He could run around the world and back and still feel exactly the same if Killua was at his side. He didn't really want to go back home just so that he could lay awake in the darkness until the sun came up.

"Let's go to the park." He said suddenly. He looked at Killua for confirmation and received it when he nodded his head. They took a few different turns and were on their way to the park.

Killua felt the same as Gon, restless. He didn't want to go home and do nothing. He wanted to hang out with Gon now that the mission was finished. Maybe they would go on a new mission sometime soon. Killua looked up to the sky and was surprised to find that the stars had practically multiplied. More and more were popping up.

Before he knew it they were at the park. They stopped by the water fountain and looked into the perfectly still water. Their reflections stared back at them.

Tousled sliver hair and deep blue eyes. Pale skin and dark clothing. Unseen scars and hidden secrets. Emotions locked away in a heart of ice that was slowly melting. Killua.

Spiky black hair and clear brown eyes. Tanned skin and green clothing. Fierce loyalty and childish innocence. A person slowly learning to adapt to a new emotion that he was finally giving in to. Gon.

They stepped away from the fountain and walked around a bit more. They found themselves at a bench on the top of a hill under a tree, overlooking a small pond that reflected the night sky. They sat together on the wooden bench. Each had an arm over the other, after all it was cold outside.

They sat there for a long time just looking out over the park. They watched the stars in the sky as they shone with a new found brilliance. When they looked to the pond they saw the same thing but slightly distorted.

They didn't leave. They stayed there and watched the sun slowly come over the horizon of buildings, turning the sky beautiful colors. First, the sun changed the night sky from dark blue to a pale azure. Then all of the colors of dawn emerged. Pale orange, light purple, faint red.

When the sun was finally all the way over the horizon, the boys were still there. The one with silver hair had found himself with a sleeping companion on his shoulder. He had fallen asleep in the soft warmth of his shoulder and the other boy could not bring himself to disturb him. So, he watched in silence as nature awoke and fluffy white clouds filled the sky.

The day would be beautiful.

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